
  1. 然而,当位美丽年轻女子打开房门时候,这个男孩却有点不知所措。

    However , he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door .

  2. 2)应用3θ(位温、假相当位温和饱和相当位温)曲线及其变化特征对沙尘暴期间大气热力稳定度进行了诊断分析;

    Thermal stability during sandstorms were diagnoses by application of " 3 θ" curve and change characteristics of atmospheric .

  3. 假相当位温随高度增加减小得越快,气层的对流不稳定性越强,触发造成强降水过程的可能性越大。

    Equivalent potential temperature decreases with height decrease faster , stronger convective instability of a gas , triggering heavy rain caused more likely .

  4. 假相当位温峰值越高、升降幅度越大、高值持续时间越长,对应的降水就越强。

    Pseudo-equivalent temperature the higher the peak , the larger the lift , the longer the duration of high value , corresponding to the precipitation will be .

  5. 对流层中电磁波的反常传播可以导致错误的气象雷达测量,海洋上最常出现的反常传播现象是蒸发波导。盛夏对流层中低层假相当位温场与南海台风路径演变的初步研究

    Anomalous propagation of electromagnetic radiation in the troposphere may result in erroneous meteorological radar measurements . A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE FIELD OF POTENTIAL PSEUDO-EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE IN MIDDLE AND LOWER TROPOSPHERE AND EVOLUTION OF TYPHOON TRACK OVER THE SOUTH CHINA SEA IN THE WARMEST TIME OF SUMMER

  6. 当一位亲密的朋友去世时,我们不能不难过

    When a close friend dies , we can 't help but feel sad .

  7. 在当一位系谱学者揭露她之后承认自己关于二战犹太大屠杀的畅销书是捏造的。

    Misha Defonseca acknowledged her bestselling Holocaust story as a fake after a genealogist outed her . MishaDefonseca

  8. 当一位七十多岁的老妇人站在跳板的顶端时,船上所有的工作人员都吓呆了。

    The staff stood motionless when a passenger in her 70 's appeared at the top of the plank .

  9. 当一位同事说。噢,你知道吗,George最难搞了。你的回答是,是吗?

    When a co-worker says , Oh , well you know George is the worst , you respond , Really ?

  10. 当16位Thumb状态运行,应用程序遇到的寄存器设置稍有不同。

    When operating in the16-bit Thumb state , the application encounters a slightly different set of registers .

  11. 有哪些是效果不甚理想的?当某位公众人物的微博引起轰动时,Twitter就会确保其他明星知道。

    When a public figure 's tweet results in big buzz , Twitter makes sure other celebrities know it .

  12. 当一位德国博主将这本小册子上传到网上之后,Chrome团队只得手忙脚乱地处理这个意外。

    After a German blogger posted the comic book online , the Chrome team had to scramble to handle the fiasco .

  13. 当一位父亲在写给女儿的信中以您真诚的(yourssincerely)落款时,事情就已经变得一团糟了。

    When a father signs off a letter to his daughter , Yours Sincerely , things have come to a pretty pass .

  14. 另一个危险是当一位CEO与他或她的员工之间距离变得太大时,反馈也会因此减少。

    Another risk factor is when the distance between a CEO and his or her staff becomes too great and as a consequence feedback diminishes .

  15. 这意味着当一位用户选择某个模式并请求部署时,它会经历与所有其他TivoliServiceAutomationManager服务请求相同的请求审批工作流。

    This means that when a user selects a pattern and requests deployment , it goes through the same request approval workflow as all other Tivoli Service Automation Manager service requests .

  16. 当一位执政党国会议员质疑签名后,人们就在一个Facebook页面张贴他们的照片,有些人还写道:就是我签的,本人就是这样。

    When a ruling party congressman questioned the signatures , people posted their photos on a Facebook page , some with notes saying : " I signed and I am real .

  17. 当A位离子或B位离子被不同价态的离子取代时,通过形成氧离子空穴或者形成混合价态来保持化合物的电中性。

    In the case of substitution of A-site or B site ions by other ions of different oxidation states , the charge compensation can be achieved either by the formation of oxygen ion vacancies or by the formation of mixed oxidation states .

  18. 当两位新娘走上各自的V行走廊,她们看到了等在那里的丈夫,她们的婚礼正式开始。这是一场与众不同的盛大婚礼,包括新娘新郎家人在内,共有180人出席。

    After walking up two aisles in a V-shape , the brides met their husbands for their ceremonies , which were followed by a huge party for 180 people , including the families of brides and grooms .

  19. 当一位倾向正义与发展党的报纸专栏作家阿里·布拉克(AliBulac)认为戴面纱的妇女是代理世俗主义者们的“间谍”或正利用她们的困境来加速她们的职业进程时,他激起了人们的暴怒。

    A pro-AK newspaper columnist , Ali Bulac , provoked fury when he suggested that veiled women were " spies " acting for secularists or were exploiting their plight to advance their careers .

  20. 前几天,就在《财富》(Fortune)杂志社,当几位记者绘声绘色地描述他们颤颤巍巍地品尝Chapul椰子、姜汁、酸橙或花生酱和巧克力棒样品的经历时,有好几位编辑都露出了惊恐万分的表情。

    Some of that trepidation was on display the other day at Fortune when several reporters said they were scared to even try samples of the Chapur coconut , ginger and lime or the peanut butter and chocolate bar .

  21. 但是这本小册子却意外地于星期一率先登陆德国,而那天德国并不放假。当一位德国博主将这本小册子上传到网上之后,Chrome团队只得手忙脚乱地处理这个意外。

    But the comic books arrived in Germany on Monday , and it was not a holiday there . After a German blogger posted the comic book online , the Chrome team had to scramble to handle the fiasco .

  22. 当3位上有H原子或供电子基团时,羰基化可在2位上进行,但3位上的吸电子取代基团会抑制羰基化。

    When an H atom or electron donating group ( i.e. , CH 3 ) was present at the 3 position , hydroxylation proceeded at the 2 position , but the presence of electron withdrawing substituent groups ( i.e. , OH or COOH ) at the 3 position inhibited hydroxylation .

  23. 难怪在今天,当一位司机在听闻“北京甲壳虫乐队”(BeijingBeatles)将于某晚在中国首都演出的消息时,他会急切地询问:真的是甲壳虫乐队?

    Fast-forward to the present , and it 's understandable that a driver , upon hearing that the Beijing Beatles were performing in China 's capital one night , turned to his employer and earnestly asked , ' Is that really the Beatles ? '

  24. 《美丽小东西》2010年3月11日当一位匿名答疑专栏作家以“DearSugar”的名号出现在“TheRumpus”上时,她就提出了自己的主张:有着

    TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS [ qh ] [ qh ] When an anonymous advice columnist by the name of " Dear Sugar " introduced herself on The Rumpus on March 11 , 2010 , she made her proposition clear : a

  25. 当一位朋友建议在中国做咨询师的周乐达(JoelBackaler)开博客时,他将其视为分享自己工作中一些最有意思的故事的好机会。

    When a friend suggested that he write a blog , Joel Backaler saw it as a good opportunity to share some of his most interesting stories about working as a consultant in China .

  26. 周二的奥林匹克体育场内,当两位赛跑选手——美国的阿贝•达戈斯蒂诺(AbbeyD’Agostino)和新西兰的尼基•汉布林(NikkiHamblin)——在5000米项目中相撞,却相互扶持、相互敦促着跑向终点的时候,人们的看法基本没有分歧。

    There was little division on Tuesday in the Olympic Stadium , when two runners - Abbey D'Agostino of the United States and Nikki Hamblin of New Zealand - offered a helping hand to each other after a collision in the 5000 meters and then urged each other on to the finish .

  27. 我想当一位医生,玛丽也想。

    I went to be a doctor , so does mary .

  28. 他的儿子签订了合同当一位建筑师的学徒,为期6年。

    His son was bound to an architect for six years .

  29. 当一位雇主拒绝你的时候,不要因此而消沉。

    Don 't be demoralized when an employer turns you down .

  30. 我父亲原本希望我当一位律师。

    My father had hoped that I would be a lawyer .