
xínɡ zhuànɡ zǔ lì
  • form resistance;form drag
  1. 若流线型物体表面的摩擦阻力系数仅为相对粗糙度的函数,则形状阻力系数与雷诺数无关。

    Since if the frictional resistance coefficient is a function of relative roughness , then the form resistance coefficient is independent of the Reynolds number .

  2. 分析了排水型两栖车辆的水阻力构成,当两栖车辆高速航行时,形状阻力占主要成分,形状阻力是影响两栖车辆水上机动性的主要因素,模型拖曳试验结果验证了该分析结果。

    This article analyses the composition of water resistance to amphibious vehicles . It believes that , when amphibious vehicles ploughing across water form resistance is the main factor affecting the vehicles ' water mobility . Towed-model experiments verify this conclusion .

  3. 采用Lagrange乘数优化方法,约束升力系数和机翼翼根弯矩,通过修改机翼+翼梢小翼组合体的结构外形,减小机翼的诱导阻力和形状阻力,提高机翼的展向效率和升阻比的大小。

    The Lagrange multipliers optimization method is presented for wing + winglet configuration with constraint for lifting coefficient and wing root bending moment . By shaping the wing with winglet , decrease the sum of induced drag and profile drag , increase span efficiency and lift-drag ratio .

  4. 与此同时,利用格栅结构也可以降低船底的形状阻力。

    Moreover , the grille structure can also reduce the shape drag force .

  5. 17二维互动模式:位移物体,蒸散,形状阻力,失速机制。

    2D Interaction Models : Displacement Body , Transpiration . Form Drag , Stall Mechanisms .

  6. 船前体形状对阻力和耐波性的影响

    Effects of the Shape of a Ship 's Fore Body on Its Resistance and Seakeeping Qualities

  7. 本文主要根据上海交通大学水池近几年船模试验研究的结果,初步总结了CB约为0.8的丰满船船首形状对静水阻力的影响。

    Based on the research results through model tests in the Shanghai Jiao-tung University during past several years , the influence of bow shape on the calm water resistance of full ship forms with block coefficients around 0.8 is investigated .

  8. 在此基础上探讨了凹模锥面的形状和摩擦阻力对缩径挤压的影响。

    Based on above analysis , effects of conical face shape of cavity mould and frictional resistance on ironing process were described .

  9. 深水网箱囊网受水流推动,形状随水阻力大小而变化。

    The cod - end of deep - water net cage is driven by the current Its form changes with the size of water resistance .

  10. 测量了干熄炉内焦炭床层的阻力损失,研究了鼓风量、焦炭直径以及形状因子对阻力损失的影响。

    The resistance loss on coke bed in CDQ chamber is measured , the influence of inert gas cooling quantity , coke size and shape factor on resistance loss is studied .

  11. 方法中考虑了导弹飞行速度、引爆点位置、装药质量比、碎片形状、空气阻力、飞机飞行高度及速度等因素,易损性计算结果具有一定的客观性;

    In order to provide a realistic and effective aircraft vulnerability assessment , the method has taken into consideration the factors such as missile velocity , missile detonation location , missile charge ratio , fragment shape , air drag , aircraft altitude , and aircraft velocity ;

  12. 不同软化曲线形状对裂缝扩展阻力GR曲线的影响

    Influence of different softening curves on crack extension resistance curve g_r

  13. 最后讨论岩体类型、完整性、无侧限抗压强度、风化程度以及灌浆材料、灌浆压力等因素对预应力锚索破裂面形状、极限侧阻力以及极限抗拔力等的影响。

    The results have shown that the ultimate uplift capacity is related to failure shape of anchor rope and rock type and its unconfined compressive strength and its fractured and weathered characteristics , as well as grouting material and grouting pressure etc.

  14. 铲头形状影响切土、碎土阻力,铲柄形状影响土壤惯性阻力、土壤与铲柄的摩擦阻力及碎土阻力。

    Shape of the tip of the subsoiler affects soil cutting and breaking forces .