
  • 网络Situation and policy
  1. 用形势政策教育增强大学生责任意识

    Enhancing Responsibility Consciousness of College Students by Situation and Policy Education

  2. 本文在教育科学理论和教育实践结合的基础上,提出适合我国高校特点的形势政策教育模式。

    On the basis of combination of educational science theory and practice , this paper proposes the situation and policy education model being fit for characteristics of our country 's higher learning institutions .

  3. 加强形势政策教育提高形势教育课水平

    Strengthen the education of situations and policies raise the level of the course for situations education

  4. 加强理想信念、无神论、形势政策、道德、心理等教育。

    Strengthen such education as ideal and faith , atheism , situation policy , morals , psychology , etc. .

  5. 高校学生形势政策教育是高校思想品德教育的重要组成部分。

    Education of situation policies for the higher school students is an important com - ponent of their ideological and moral education .

  6. 在高校开展大学生形势政策报告会,是为不断增强形势与政策教育的针对性和实效性。

    In order to solve these problems finds ways to strengthen the actual effect of the undergraduates'public lecture about situation and policy .

  7. 一要加强形势政策教育,深化爱国主义教育,引导和激发广大群众积极投身于建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大事业的政治热情和工作热情;

    Firstly strengthen the education of situational policy , deepen patriotic education to drive people to take part in the course of the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics with political and working enthusiasm ;

  8. 本文从形势政策,对监管人和被监管人的管理出发,力求发现本罪的预防对策,对本罪实施有效的预防和治理。

    This article from the situation and policies , on the supervision and management of the regulated person starting to attempt to identify the crime prevention measures , on the implementation of effective crime prevention and control .

  9. 同时,高校的形势政策课要讲对国际形势,让高校青年学子对国际国内形势有正确的看法,增强他们的历史责任感。

    At the same time , international situation should be included in university courses in order to make the young college students have the correct view in international and domestic situation and enhance their sense of history responsibility .

  10. 目前我国的刑罚结构偏重于惩罚犯罪这一价值观,这与宽严相济的形势政策不相适宜,与刑罚轻缓化得国际趋势更是南辕北辙。

    Now , the penalty structure of our country lays particular stress on punishing crime . It not only contradicts with the policy of " severity with leniency ", but also provides a very different message with the international trend of light penalty .

  11. 本部分针对普世价值思潮对大学生的消极影响及其原因分析,从意识形态教育、形势政策教育、辩证唯物主义教育、强化普世价值思潮研究等方面探讨相关对策。

    Based on the above negative effects and cause analysis , we explores the related countermeasures from the ideological education , the education of situation and policy , the dialectical materialism education , strengthen the research on the thought of " universal values " .

  12. 优化大学生社会心理环境,应丰富校园文化生活,建立校园网过滤系统,开设形势政策选修课,提高其认知能力,充分利用媒体的正面宣传,发挥其教育导向作用。

    To optimize social psychological environment for them , we should enrich campus culture , establish campus network filtering system , offer optional course of situational policy , promote their cognitive ability , take advantage of multi-media positive propaganda and give full play to its educational role .

  13. 独立学院学生干部队伍思想政治教育内容主要包括:理想信念和形势政策教育、爱国主义和奉献精神教育、道德教育和廉洁奉公教育、政治责任和工作能力培育教育。

    The contents of ideological and political education of the student cadre team in Independently-Run Colleges include : The ideal faith and the situation policy education , patriotism and contribution spirit education , moral education , honesty and public-spirited education , politics responsibility education and working ability training education .

  14. 日本政治经济外交形势及政策取向

    Japan : Political , Economic and Diplomatic Situation and Policy Orientation

  15. 高校开展形势与政策教育刍议

    A Discussion on Education of Current Situation and Policies in Colleges

  16. 高校形势与政策课应尊重学生的主体性

    On Students ' Subject Consciousness in Education of Situation and Policy

  17. 形势与政策课教学管理综合体系的构建

    Construction of Comprehensive Teaching Management System in Situation and Policy Class

  18. 提高形势与政策教育实效性的探讨

    Discussion on improving the effectiveness of situation and policies education

  19. 论形势与政策课教学中的心理素质教育

    Psychological Education in Teaching the Course of Situation and Policy

  20. 我国脱硫产业发展形势、政策及其产业化

    Development Situation , Policy and Industrialization of Desulfurization Industry in Our Country

  21. 形势与政策课教学效果的探讨

    Discussion on Teaching Efficacy of the Course Situation and Policy

  22. 提高形势与政策课教学质量的思考

    Reflection on How to Teach the Course of Situation and Policy Well

  23. 对当前财政形势与政策取向的理论思考

    Theoretical Thought on the Current Financial Situation and Policy Orientation

  24. 加强和改进《形势与政策》课程建设的若干思考

    Some Suggestions on Improving and Strengthening Situations and Policies Class

  25. 对改进《形势与政策》课教学的思考

    Thinking on improving teaching of " Situation And Policy "

  26. 大学生《形势与政策》课教育实效性研究

    On The Educational Effect Of The College Course Of Situation And Policy

  27. 当前大学生形势与政策教育面临着一系列困境,但其意义重大。

    At present ' the education in situation and policy faces some difficulties .

  28. 中国能源形势和政策浅析

    Analysis on the energy situation and policy in China

  29. 论高校形势与政策教育课教学效果

    On Teaching Effect of Improving the Course of Situation and Policies in College

  30. 我国疟疾防治形势、政策干预和挑战分析

    Analysis on Situation , Policy Intervention and Challenge of Malaria Control in China