
  • 网络comprehensive university
  1. 综合性高校学报眼下畸形繁荣的背后,隐藏着严重的生存危机。

    Behind the distorted prosperity of journal of comprehensive university underlay serious survival crisis .

  2. 在现阶段,与我国企业相比,高校尤其是研究型高校和综合性高校,具有创新资源和创新能力的相对优势,在区域技术创新活动中理应起到举足轻重的作用。

    Compared with enterprises , higher education institutions , especially research university and comprehensive university , has relative advantages both in creative resources and creative capacity , thus making them the major forces in our national technical innovation .

  3. 地方综合性高校加强师范教育的探索与实践&以丽水学院为例

    An Exploration and Practice of Strengthening the Normal Education in Local Comprehensive Universities

  4. 其中很多医学院校也纷纷并入到综合性高校中。

    Many of these medical institutions have also been incorporated into comprehensive universities .

  5. 边疆民族地区综合性高校医学教育面临的机遇与挑战

    The Opportunity and Challenge Confronted by the Medical Education in Comprehensive Universities in Minority Border Areas

  6. 本文探讨在国家大力推行素质教育的背景下,综合性高校语言文学类公共课的课程设置、教学内容、教学形式等问题。

    This thesis discusses the curriculum provision , teaching content and teaching form of public language and literature courses in colleges and universities under the background of quality education .

  7. 第四章为某地方综合性高校教育经费筹措的实证研究,分析了该地方综合性高校教育经费筹措的基本情况、取得的成绩及存在的不足。

    Chapter IV is an empirical research of education founds raising of one local university , which analyzes the basic situation , the achievements and shortcomings of education founds raising of this local university .

  8. 经过几次的改革,特别是改革开放以后,地方综合性高校教师在国家统一工资制度的基础上,工资分配自主权不断扩大,真正拥有了薪酬决策的话语权。

    After few times of reform , especially after the reform and opening up , the local comprehensive university teachers in the national unified wage system , on the basis of autonomy in the distribution of wages is expanding constantly , really have salary decision power .

  9. 省级教育学院转型为综合性普通高校符合高等教育的未来发展趋势。

    It accords with the future development trend of higher education that it makes the transition to comprehensive ordinary higher school .

  10. 科学定位突出特色铸造以工科为主综合性一流民办高校CSP薄板坯连铸结晶器内钢水流动周期性失稳的机理与防止对策

    Scientifically Locating , Laying Stress on Feature and Setting up a First-class Comprehensive Civilian-run Institute Put Engineering First ; Periodic Loss of Stability of the Fluid in CSP Thin Slab Continuous Casting Mold

  11. 多功能·综合性试论我国高校体育场.馆的规划设计

    Multi function and synthesis On the planning design for stadiums and gymnasiums of Colleges and university in China

  12. 相对综合性搜索而言,高校信息内容比较集中,信息元之间的关系也较为明确。

    Compared with the traditional search engine , the content of the university information has more focus , and the relationship between the information data is also more clear .

  13. 如何根据多学科多专业综合性大学的特点,有针对性的搞好有机化学教学,是我们这些综合性高校所面临的问题。

    How to do well in organic chemistry education by the characteristics of multi-subjects and multi-majors comprehensive universities is the problem our comprehensive schools are facing to .