
  • 网络Multi-sport event
  1. 是国际奥委会主办的世界性综合运动会。

    It is a comprehensive sports meet held by the IOC .

  2. 本文阐述了大型综合运动会体育设施建设应重视的五个问题?

    This paper discusses the five important problems fior the large sports facilities .

  3. 因此,一个国家也有综合运动会和单项比赛运动会。

    So one country has both comprehensive sports games and individual event competitions .

  4. 大型综合运动会体育设施的若干问题

    Some Problems in Large Sports Facilities

  5. 你提到这些都是综合运动会,还有世界单项运动会?

    Those mentioned are also comprehensive sports games in a sense . are there any international individual sports Games ?

  6. 大型综合运动会采用计算机和数据通信技术,建立一个现代化的电子服务系统是完全必要的。

    Nowadays computer and data communication techniques have widely been used in large-scale sports games with the help of a electronic service system .

  7. 一项大型的国际性综合运动会,上述人员可达万人,甚至数十万。

    In a large-scale international and comprehensive event , the number of these people may reach tens of hundreds , or even tenth of that .

  8. 杰夫:啊,就是由亚洲奥林匹克理事会主办的综合运动会,前身为远东运动会和西亚运动会。

    Jeff : Yes . The games is held by the Asian Olympic Council . It was called the " Far East Games " originally .

  9. 国际奥委会将文化教育活动作为青奥会的重要元素,并以此区别其他综合运动会。

    The IOC has envisaged the Culture and Education Programme as a defining element of the Youth Olympic Games , differentiating it from other Games .

  10. 研究生运动会在国内知名高校内部举办的十分成功,但是没有形成规模,各高校都没有联合起来举办一届研究生综合运动会。

    Graduate Games held very successful in the famous universities , but there is no scale , all colleges and universities graduate students do not join together to host a comprehensive Games .

  11. 在全球化的大背景下,体育作为世界经济、文化的一个重要载体,对国际间的经济、文化交流起着越来越重要的作用,国际性的大型综合运动会或专项体育比赛交流愈加频繁。

    In the context of globalization , being an important carrier of the world economy and culture , sport play an increasingly important role in international economic and cultural exchanges and large-scale international comprehensive sports or special sports events exchange more frequent .

  12. 成功举办国际大型综合运动会将极大地提升举办城市的国际地位,促进举办城市经济和社会的快速发展,是世界各地区中心城市现代化发展过程中的必然选择。

    Hosting a large-scale comprehensive international games successively will greatly boost the international status of the hosting city and promote the rapid development of economy and society of the hosting city , and is a sure choice for regional central cities in the world during the development of modernization .

  13. 国际奥委会(缩写IOC)是世界最大规模综合体育运动会&奥运会的管理机构。

    The International Olympic Committee or IOC is the governing body of the world 's largest comprehensive sports Games : International Olympic Games .

  14. 我国大型综合性运动会组织与管理中运用系统科学初探

    Study on Systematic Science for Organizing and Administrating Games in China

  15. 综合性运动会电脑服务系统的设计与应用

    The design and application of computer service system for integrated sports meeting

  16. 综合型运动会门票定价理论研究

    The Analysis on Price of Entrance Ticket of Comprehensive Games

  17. 大型国际综合性运动会运动员村食品卫生管理模式的研究

    Study on food safety control in the international general games

  18. 大型综合性运动会中系统科学思想的应用&以第3届全国城市运动会为例

    The application of systems science to sponsoring the third national urban games

  19. 大型综合性运动会优秀礼仪引导员身体形态量化评价标准研究

    Evaluation Standard on Body Physique of Excellent Ceremonial Guide in Major Games

  20. 作为竞技项目,铅球运动是重大综合性运动会比赛中必不可少的项目之一。

    As an athletic event , Shot Put is one of indispensable events in comprehensive sports meetings .

  21. 应用电脑系统辅助综合性运动会的管理,是体育竞赛管理现代化的发展趋势。

    Nowadays computer-managing systems are widely used in large-scale sports games , which have modernized the administration of sports competitions .

  22. 现代大型综合性运动会其重要特点之一,就是比赛的不可重复性和严格的时间界定。

    The importance characteristic of the modern synthetic games is that it cannot be repeated and its time is limited strictly .

  23. 本文提出的方法也适用于其它大型综合性运动会(亚运会、全运会等)的团体名次预测。

    These methods can also be applied to other large-scale multi-sports events , such as the Asian Games and the National Games .

  24. 采用调查法、逻辑分析法、数学模型法等,对综合性运动会门票定价理论进行研究。

    Through using the investigation , logistical analysis , mathematical model , the author studies the price of entrance ticket of comprehensive games .

  25. 地方综合性运动会和地方单项体育竞赛的管理办法由地方人民政府制定。

    Measures for the administration of local comprehensive sports games and local individual sport competitions shall be formulated by the local people 's governments .

  26. 亚洲运动会简称亚运会,是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,与奥林匹克运动会相间举行。

    Referred to as the Asian Games Asian Games Asia 's largest integrated Games held every four years term with the Olympic Games held in interphones .

  27. 员人数规模仅次于夏季奥运会,为世界最大的综合性运动会。

    Universitaire ( FISU ) . Going by the number of athletes participating , the summer Universiade is the second largest multi-sport event in the world after the Summer Olympics .

  28. 介绍了中国早期学校运动会产生的历史背景,阐述了学校运动会从单一的体操游戏到综合性运动会的发展特征。

    This article mainly introduces the historical background of the emergence of school sports meetings in the 20th century and elaborates the characteristics of the development from the gymnastic games to the comprehensive sports games .

  29. 构建高校综合性校运动会的必要性研究

    Research into the Comprehensive Sports Meeting in Colleges and Universities

  30. 竞技体操是现代竞技体育的重要组成部分,奥林匹克体操比赛则是竞技体操全世界规模最大、影响力最强的综合性大型运动会。

    Competitive gymnastics is an important part of modern competitive sports , and the Olympic gymnastics competition is the largest and the most influential comprehensive large-scale games all over the world .