
  • 网络deformation energy;strain energy
  1. 地震过程中形变能的演化特征

    Evolution characteristics of deformation energy in process of an earthquake

  2. 同等条件下纸压垫高度的增加对夹板弹性形变能的影响很小。

    There was only a small effect on the elastic deformation energy of small splint if nothing was changed but paper pad thickness .

  3. 晶格形变能对GaAs-InAs固溶体溶解度的影响

    Influence of elastic energy on miscibility gap in GaAs-InAs system

  4. 基本思想是曲线的对应关系可以用一条对准曲线来表示,然后在对准空间中搜索使得弹性形变能最优的对准曲线,这条曲线确定了两轮廓曲线之间点的对应关系。

    The space of alignment curves is searched for one optimizing elastic energy .

  5. 利用因次分析法,忽略弹、塑性形变能及相变引起的能量变化,推导出焊接温度场相似应满足的条件。

    The similitude principles for welding temperature field are deduced by dimensional analysis method .

  6. 砂土的形变能破坏准则

    Criterion for the Destructiveness of Sand Deformation Energy

  7. 地球的弹性形变能

    Elastic energy of deformation for the earth

  8. 靶板刚好被击穿时,靶板吸收的形变能出现局部峰值。

    The deformation of target absorbed is the local peak while the target is broke down .

  9. 最大形变能理论在机械零件整体强度计算中的应用

    The application of maximum distortion energy theory in the calculation of the total strength of machines elements

  10. 作者根据土的破坏决定于形变能的概念提出了一个破坏准则。

    Ng to the conception that the failure of soil depends on the magnitude of deformation energy .

  11. 含球形分散相周围基体中的形变能密度及其对聚合物共混体脆韧转变的影响

    Strain energy density in matrix around spherical dispersed phase and its effect on brittle tough transition of polymer blends

  12. 取得如下认识:1.震前形变能的演化过程是不稳定过程,2.形变能的突变发生在非平衡区;

    The following results are obtained , 1.The evolution process of deformation energy before an earthquake is unstable ; 2.Sudden changes of deformation energy occur in unbalanced area ;

  13. 首先,将比内能分解成弹性压缩能和弹性形变能,而将形变能作为弹性应变和熵的函数展开到三阶项,其中考虑了热与机械能的耦合效应。

    Firstly , the specific internal energy is decomposed into the elastic compression energy and elastic deformation energy , and the latter is represented by an expansion to third-order terms in elastic strain and entropy , including the coupling effect of heat and mechanical energy .

  14. 与方解石晶面结合的聚合物发生扭曲变形,(110)面上的形变能约为(104)面上的2倍,但均远小于相应的非键作用能。

    Polymers deform during their combining with calcite crystal surfaces , and the deformation energies of polymers on ( 110 ) face are about 2 times as those on ( 104 ) face , but all of them are far lower than respective nonbonding energies .

  15. 转动对超形变带能谱和M1跃迁的影响

    Effect of Rotation on Transition Energies and M1 Transitions in Superdeformed Nuclei

  16. 关于微合金钢中Nb的析出对变形诱导铁素体相变的影响有两种不同观点:一是认为在变形过程Nb通过动态析出消耗形变储能而抑制变形诱导铁素体相变;

    Meanwhile in micro alloyed steel , the effects of Nb on the DIFT are described as follows ; ( I ) the ferrite transformation was retarded by the consumption of strain energy for the dynamic precipitation of Nb ( CN ) .

  17. A~190区超形变带能谱分析和自旋的决定

    Phenomenological Analysis and Determination of Spins for Superdeformed Bands in the Mass-190 Region

  18. 结果表明:形变激活能与变形条件相关,随着应变速率的增加而增加;

    The results show that the activation energy of deformation is connected with deformation condition , and it increases with the increase of strain rate .

  19. 讨论了应力、应变场和形变储存能分布的特点,并讨论了滑移系在塑性变形过程中的开动情况。

    The distribution characteristics of stress , strain and stored energy has been analysis , and the slip system during plastic deformation has been discussed .

  20. 另外,回归出了高碳钢的峰值应力及峰值应变与变形温度、应变速率之间的关系,得到了相应的形变激活能和温变形方程式,为高碳钢的温变形工艺优化提供了理论依据。

    The quantitative relationships between peak stress , deformation temperature and peak strain were determined . The activation energy and equation for the warm deformation were obtained .

  21. 再结晶消耗了材料内部的形变储存能,从而降低了材料强度,提高了塑性。

    During the recrystallization process , the deformation storage energy is exhausted . As a result , the strength of the wire decreases and the plasticity increases .

  22. 同时由于整个飞行过程处于高动压环境下,高温效应、低密度流效应、弹性形变也能引起模型参数的剧烈变化,影响飞行的稳定性。

    As the entire flight is in a high-dynamic pressure environment , the dramatic changes in model parameters due to high-temperature effect , low-density flow effect and elastic deformation can affect the stability of flight control greatly .

  23. 冷轧变形量越大,板材形变储能就越高,再结晶驱动力越大,相同温度退火后再结晶程度越高,晶粒越细小,再结晶织构组分越多。

    The larger cold rolling reduction leads to the higher deformation stored energy which accordingly increased the driving force of recrystallization . Therefore , the degree of recrystallization is higher and the size of recrystallization grain is smaller after annealing at same temperature .

  24. 胞状铝的压缩形变和吸能性能研究

    Research on the Deformation and the Energy Absorption of Cellular Aluminum Under Compression

  25. 结果表明,在中重核中,形变参数对能态密度的影响是很重要的。

    The results indicate that for medium-heavy nuclei , deformation parameter has a great effect on state densities .

  26. A~190区偶偶核超形变晕带能谱的微观计算

    Microscopic calculations of the YRAST superdeformed bands of the even even nuclei in the A ~ 190 mass region

  27. 而在应力分量无一减少的复杂加载中,形变理论也能大约适用。

    For the complex loadings in which no stress component decreases , the theory of deformation can be considered as also applicable .

  28. 通过对跨断层测量特点的分析,提出断层运动中趋势性成分具有反映区域地壳形变及应变能累积程度的意义。

    By analyzing features of across fault measurement , the trend components of deformation can reflect the strength of strain energy accumulation in regional area .

  29. 根据上述分布函数和大形变机理,分别计算了三种网和总网的弹性形变自由能。

    Basing on the above model of networks for TPUE and the mechanism of large deformation the elastic free energy of deformation for three kinds of networks were calculated .

  30. 当降低最终形变温度至铁素体区时,能够引入大量的晶体缺陷和形变储能,提高第二相的形核率,促进微合金元素的沉淀析出。

    When the final deformation is in the ferrite region , a large number of crystal defects and deformation energy will be introduced . Then , the nucleation rate of the second phase will be improved , promoting the precipitation of micro-allying elements .