
  • 网络Studio City;Cinema City
  1. 运用FLAC(上标3D)软件对某市影视城及商办综合楼深基坑进行了开挖与支护的模拟。

    The simulation of excavation and support on the deep pit of a MTV city and commercial integrative building is conducted through the software FLAC ( superscript3D ) and the Mohr-Coulomb model .

  2. 然而,就像那座大型影视城和光彩夺目的电影节一样,就连这条规定似乎也带有波将金(Potemkin)村庄的感觉。

    Yet like the vast film studio and the glamorous festival , even that injunction seemed to have a Potemkin village aspect .

  3. 我国影视城的旅游开发研究

    Study on Development of Movie and TV Tourism in China

  4. 广东南海影视城悬挑钢罩棚的结构设计

    Structure design of suspended steel awning of Nanhai film television city in Guangdong province

  5. 但是这是在洛杉矶影视城。

    But this is in L.A. Studio City .

  6. 前不久,一个阳光明媚的下午,这个影视城空空荡荡的,有种阴森的感觉。

    On a recent sunny afternoon , however , the studio was eerily empty .

  7. 不知道这个影视城里面到底会是什么样子呢。

    I have no idea what it 'll look like inside this Film and TV City .

  8. 精神经济时代,又为影视城提供了更好的发展契机。

    The spiritual economy times can also provide much better chances for the development of MPC .

  9. 这是在横店影视城参与并制作的画面。

    This is a picture which participation in the Hengdian film and television city and manufactures .

  10. 上午的拍摄结束后,我们开车穿过影视城,去拍摄另一个场景。

    After the morning 's shoot , we drove across the lot to film another scene .

  11. 东莞康佳影视城工程预应力楼盖的结构选型及特殊问题处理

    Structural Type Selection and Solution of Several Design Problems for the Prestressed Floor of Dongguan KONKA Film City

  12. 忘了告诉你了,这个影视城是中央电视台的少儿影视基地。

    I forgot to tell you that this is CCTV 's children 's film and TV production base .

  13. 他以为这里是拍电影用的影视城,而这里发生的一切都是演戏而已。

    He thought there was a movie with the movie , which is happening here is just a show .

  14. 在2010年万圣节前后分别在环球影视城和长滩的“皇后号”巨轮体验了两次鬼屋冒险;

    I experienced two haunted houses at Universal Studios and the Queen Mary at Long Beach around Halloween in2010 ;

  15. 本届冰雪节主会场设在棋盘山冰雪大世界和关东影视城。

    The maintain tent of the festival will be located in Ice & Snow World and Guandong Film-TV City .

  16. 回到现实,您其实是身处横店影视城,中国最大的综合影视基地。

    But in reality , you 've just come to Hengdian World Studios , the largest studio complex in China .

  17. 娱乐场所:广州世界大观、天河体育中心、番禺飞图梦幻影城、南海影视城等。

    Recreation : grand world scenic park , Tianhe Sports center , Flying Dragon World Amusement park , Nanhai fantasy film city .

  18. 横店影视城是个庞大而离奇的地方,占地8000英亩,其中一比一原样复制的北京故宫是主要建筑。

    Hengdian World Studios is sprawling and surreal , covering 8000 acres and featuring a one-to-one scale model of Beijing 's Forbidden City .

  19. 产品广泛应用于机场、医院、宾馆、地铁、体育馆、影视城、国际会展中心和家庭装饰等场所。

    It is widely used in airport , hotel , hospital , underground hall , movie city , international exhibition center and family decoration etc.

  20. 中国自夸世界最大的露天电影制片厂,称作横店影视城,包括与实物同等大小的北京紫禁城复制品。

    China boasts the world 's largest outdoor film studio , called Hengdian World Studios , which includes a full-scale mock-up of the Forbidden City .

  21. 国内大大小小影视城,千姿百态,有着自己的发展方向和趋势,并带来巨大的产业效应。

    All kinds of MPCs in China , big or small , have their own development direction and trends and also bring huge industrial effect .

  22. 我们从那里坐车去横店影视城,这是世界上最大的露天片场,他在那里拍摄一部新电视剧。

    From there we would take a van to Hengdian World Studios , the biggest back lot in the world , where he was filming a new TV series .

  23. 最后一章,笔者在总结了前面分析影视城的各方面之后,提出了中国影视城发展带来的思考。

    At the last part of the thesis , the writer brought the deeply thinking about the development of MPC in China after analysis and summarizing all aspects of the motion picture city .

  24. 鸿海集团管理人士强调,郭台铭将自掏腰包参加总投资2亿美元的影视城项目,但是石化项目的资金预计将来自泛富士康集团。

    Hon Hai officials emphasised Mr Gou would use his own money for the $ 200m film studio investment , whereas the petrochemical project was expected to be funded by the pan - Foxconn group .

  25. 目前,全国已经建设的有一定基础的影视城将近半百座,但形成区域文化旅游增长极的则为数不多。

    At present , the country has built the world studios nearly a half of hundred that have a certain foundation , however it is not so many that can grow up to be a regional culture tourism develop pole .

  26. 近年来,国内兴起了各种形式的影视旅游,而影视城旅游是其中发展最快并引起广泛关注的一种形式。

    In recent years , different kinds of film-induced tourism spring up in domestic , and film-city tourism develops the most quickly and cause extensive concern .

  27. 随着影视艺术与文化旅游产业的发展,影视城的兴建与开发进行得红红火火。

    Along with the development of the film , television art and cultural tourism industry , the world studios are building and developing prosperously .

  28. 影视产业是文化产业的重要组成部分,而作为影视产业衍生产品的重要一环影视城,在经济飞速发展的当今社会,更是引起了极大的关注。

    Movie and Television industry ( MTI ) is a derivative product of the culture industry , motion picture city ( MPC ) as the key part of MTI is drawing a large attention in the modern society with the rapid economic development .