
  • 网络Kelp culture
  1. 扇贝和牡蛎养殖区POC、TN和TP的再溶出速率大于海带养殖区;

    The release rates of POC , TN and TP in scallop and oyster aquaculture water areas were larger than those in kelp culture areas .

  2. 总体趋势是相同站位的交换速率为8月高于11月,不同站位的交换速率为扇贝和牡蛎养殖区高于海带养殖区。

    Generally , the exchange rates in August were higher than those in November at the same stations , and higher in scallop and oyster culture areas than those in kelp culture areas at different stations .

  3. 大连地区海带养殖群体与野生群体遗传多样性的AFLP分析

    AFLP Analysis in Genetic Diversity of Cultured and Wild Populations of Laminaria Japonica in Dalian Coast

  4. 威海市海带养殖加工综述

    Reviews on Farming and Processing of Kelp in Weihai

  5. 水混流急海域开发海带养殖技术研究

    On Development of Technique for Kelp Cultivation in the Sea Area with Turbid Water and Swift Current

  6. 三十烷醇乳粉在海带养殖上的应用试验

    An experiment on the application of c_ ( 30 ) h_ ( 61 ) & oh milky powder to the cultivation of kelp

  7. 随着海洋污染和温室效应等环境条件的恶化,海带养殖面临着逐渐升高的温度条件,海带的生长发育受到一定的威胁。

    With deterioration of the environment conditions such as marine pollution and greenhouse effect in recent years , the breeding of kelp face rising temperature conditions that undermine the growth and development of kelp .

  8. 而个人也可以通过免耕农业或绿色畜牧业、泥炭沼泽的建立、海带养殖以及将肮脏的机器换成清洁的机器等努力来获得碳币。

    And individuals could earn the coins as well , by efforts such as no-till agriculture or green ranching , peat bog creation , kelp farming and also swapping out dirty machines for clean ones .

  9. 海带(Laminaria)养殖品种遗传多样性的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Laminaria

  10. 而对海带种质的鉴定仍然主要依靠技术人员的经验判断,就更进一步加重了苗种混杂、品种退化等影响海带养殖品种使用寿命的情况。

    The identification of germplasm of Laminaria still rely on the experience of technical staff to determine , to further increase the impact of the hybrid Seed and variety degradation in useful life of farming varieties .

  11. 海带是冷水性藻类并以配子体形式渡过夏季高水温期,因此在实际育种生产中培育和筛选出耐高温的品系有利于海带的养殖。

    Laminaria japonica live in cold water and its gametophyte form live through high water temperature period in summer , so cultivating and screening high temperature resistant varieties is conducive to practical breeding .