
  1. 刚学SEO我不知从何下手,看了不少资料但还是很迷芒。

    Just learned SEO I do not know from why to do it , read many materials but or very confuse awn .

  2. 在70年代的时候,我很迷中国功夫。美国佩斯大学(PaceUniversity)41岁的网页开发员蕾切尔•克林贝格(RachelKlingberg)谈起了她儿时对武术的喜爱。

    ' I was a big fan of Kung Fu movies in the 1970s , ' says Rachel Klingberg , a 41-year-old Pace University Web developer , about her early interest in martial arts .

  3. 他现在真的很迷家居装饰。

    He 's really into home decorating right now .

  4. 我丈夫以前很迷运动节目。

    My husband used to be obsessed with watching sports 24 hours a day .

  5. 理发师:看来你很迷他了。他的腿很强壮哦。

    Hairdresser : You are a big fan of him ! He has strong legs .

  6. 她很迷流行音乐。

    Shes really into pop music .

  7. 这你刚才是什么意思我本来以为你应该很迷棒球

    It 's a , what do you mean you weren 't , I would have assumed you were obsessed with baseball

  8. 当时我很迷说唱音乐,我那样做因为觉得回音效果在洗手间里会好些。

    I was into Hip Hop music , so I used to do that coz echo effect was good in the bathroom .

  9. 事实上,我尽量克制自己不说:“我一直很迷您的作品”……

    In fact , it was all I could do to stop myself from saying , " I 've always been a big fan of your work ... "

  10. 这所驾驶学校是由2003年一名47岁的德东陆军士兵海德所创立,现在他已经不存在了,他说他一辈子都很迷坦克。

    It was founded in2003 by a former soldier in the now defunct East German army , Axel Heyde , 47 , who said he has been obsessed with tanks all his life .

  11. 从那之后,他就变得很执迷

    After that , he became obsessed .

  12. 我一直对大自然制造材料的方式很著迷,经过很多程序,它们完成如此精密的工程。

    I 've been fascinated by how nature makes materials , and there 's a lot of sequence to how they do such an exquisite job .

  13. 欧阳修很早就迷上了韩愈的著述,他与韩愈都反对佛教,当然没韩愈那么激烈。

    He was early captivated by writings of Han Yu , whose opposition to Buddhism he shared , though in a more moderate form .

  14. 他很快就使我迷上了越野滑雪。

    He quickly converted me to the joys of cross-country skiing .

  15. 很快我就迷上了观星。

    I became an entranced stargazer for a while .

  16. 她对伦敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路。

    She did not know London very well , and she lost her way .

  17. 当时消息很快在火车迷之间传开,重新打造的「帝国缔造者号」将在二00五年八月首次启程。

    Word spread fast among train fans that a refurbished Empire Builder would debut in August 2005 .

  18. 一周至少一次。坦白讲,一提到网球,我就很兴奋。我迷上了这项运动。

    At least once a week . Frankly , when it comes to tennis , I get very excited . I am fascinated by the game .

  19. 他很帅,大家都很迷他。

    He 's a very handsome man and people get obsessed .

  20. 刘心很可爱,唱歌绝对棒,最近很迷

    Liu heart very cute , singing absolute bar , recently very fan