
  • for long;for a long time;age;for ages;month;light year
  1. 他的死瞒了很长时间都没告诉她。

    For a long time his death was concealed from her .

  2. 他们步行了很长时间,走了好长的一段路。

    They walked for a long time and covered a good deal of ground .

  3. 伤口过了很长时间才愈合。

    It took a long time for the wounds to heal .

  4. 我们只好等了很长时间!

    We had to wait a heck of a long time !

  5. 本这个人我们了解,能叫我们等很长时间。

    Knowing Ben , we could be waiting a long time .

  6. 事故过去后很长时间交通才恢复畅通。

    The traffic took a long time to clear after the accident .

  7. 我还得花很长时间才能完成。

    It 'll be a goodish while yet before I 've finished .

  8. 我们要等很长时间才能得到结果。

    It will be months before we get the results .

  9. 她为了增加食欲散了很长时间的步。

    She went for a long walk to work up an appetite .

  10. 政治局势过了很长时间才恢复正常。

    It took time until the political situation had normalized .

  11. 我等他回来等了很长时间。

    I waited a long time for him to return .

  12. 我们等公共汽车等了很长时间。

    We had a long wait for the bus .

  13. 沉默了很长时间她才开口。

    There was a long silence before she spoke .

  14. 那是需要很长时间才能愈合的创伤。

    It was a hurt that would take a long time to heal .

  15. 她还需要很长时间才能完全恢复健康。

    She still has a long way to go before she 's fully fit .

  16. 我花了很长时间才从人群中挤过去。

    It took me a long time to thread my way through the crowd .

  17. 我们不会去很长时间的。

    We shan 't be gone long .

  18. 陪审团花了很长时间才得出结论认为她有罪。

    It took the jury some time to reach the conclusion that she was guilty .

  19. 因罢工滞留的旅客要耽搁很长时间。

    Strike-bound travellers face long delays .

  20. 我得再熟悉一下这个程序——我已经很长时间没用了。

    I 'll need to reacquaint myself with this program ─ it 's a long time since I 've used it .

  21. 自我上次演出以来已有很长时间了。

    It 's been such a long time since I played .

  22. 弗朗姬很长时间以来一直感觉不舒服。

    Frankie hasn 't been feeling well for a long time .

  23. 这次危机可能持续很长时间。

    This crisis might last for a long period of time .

  24. 她花了很长时间才做好去教堂的准备。

    It took her a long time to get ready for church

  25. 沉默持续了很长时间,而我父亲看上去面带愧色。

    There was a long silence , and my father looked shamefaced .

  26. 这架飞机已经超期服役很长时间了。

    The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended

  27. 他们坐着对视了很长时间。

    They sat looking at each other for a long while

  28. 新时尚要很长时间才能在大众中流行起来。

    New fashions took a long time to percolate down .

  29. 他花了很长时间才在顶级足球联赛站稳脚跟。

    He took a long time to settle in to big-time football .

  30. 橙子可以存放很长时间而不腐烂。

    Oranges can be kept for a long time without going mouldy .