
  1. 你得去度个假,振作振作精神。

    You need a holiday to cheer you up .

  2. 用丁二酸酐在水相碱性条件下对糯玉米淀粉进行酯化,制得取代度(DS)为0.020的丁二酸糯玉米淀粉酯(SSE),并对它的性质进行了研究。

    Glutinous corn starch was esterified by succinic anhydride in alkaline aqueous solution to prepare glutinous corn starch succinic ester ( SSE ) with a degree of substitution of 0.026 and its properties were studied .

  3. 结果表明要得到准确的测量结果,首先要制得分散度高、稳定性好的分散体系。

    The results show that making a disperse and steady dispersoid system is important for laser particle size analysis .

  4. 本实验制得取代度为0.032时上浆性能最佳,可以很好的对聚酯纤维进行上浆。

    In this study , the degree of substitution of 0.032 obtained the best performance when the sizing can be a very good sizing of polyester fiber .

  5. 自行设计的三叶异形的孔形结构参数和适宜的纺丝工艺条件能制得异形度大于50%的细旦丙纶异形丝。

    By means of the profiled spinneret designed by the author and optimized spinning technology , the fine denier profiled PP filament of profile degree above 50 % can be produced .

  6. 在此研究基础上,本文结合国际社会目前得认同度较高的新的发展成果,探讨如何完善外空军事化相关的法律规制。

    Based on these studies and combined with some of the developments in legislation which are recognized by the international community , the article discussed the way of legal construction of outer space militarization .

  7. 这是一宗很重要的诉讼案,有必要搞得很准确度。

    It was an important suit , and great accuracy was imperative .

  8. 根据优化准则,得不同刚度比MTMD的最优参数和相应的Min。

    Subsequently , the optimum parameters of the MTMD and the corresponding Min.

  9. 介绍试验研究的PH自动监控系统的原理及设备,使用情况,试验测得的中和度与pH的对应关系,可应用于磷铵生产系统。

    The mechanism of newly developed pH automatic monitoring device and its application in MAP production are described , and the responding relation between the monitored neutralization degree and pH value is determined .

  10. 确定了制得高脱乙酰度和高粘度的最佳反应条件:反应时间为8h,反应温度为65℃,碱液的质量分数为47%。

    The optium conditions are : reaction time 8 hours , temperature 65 ℃ and concentration of NaOH 47 % .

  11. 通过最优搜寻得不同刚度比R时TMD最优调谐频率比、最优阻尼比和相应的Min。

    In light of the criterion and considering the different stiffness ratio R , one obtains the TMD optimum tuning frequency ratios and damping ratios as well as the corresponding values of Min.

  12. 你得把华氏度读数转换为摄氏度。

    You have to convert the temperature readings from Fahrenheit to celsius .

  13. 但它只赞助得起知名度较低的球队和活动。

    But it could only afford to sponsor lower profile teams and events .

  14. 测得剂量均匀度为1.33一1.84。

    The dose homogeneous degree was 1.33 ─ 1.84 .

  15. 该方法工艺简单,所制得颗粒球形度好,大小均匀。

    The method of solidification is simple and the shape and size of pastilles are uniform .

  16. 提出了利用计算机进行曲线拟合,消除负载不理想所带来的误差,从而准确测得其隔离度的力法。

    It also provides an approach to eliminate the error by fitting the curve with a computer .

  17. 通过反应条件的控制,可制得不同聚合度范围的高相对分子质量的聚乙烯醇。

    Through controls the reaction conditions , the high degree PVA with different range of degree is obtained .

  18. 商业红塘是用糖蜜处理白糖晶体制得一定稠度的一层。

    Commercial brown sugar is made by treating white sugar crystals with molasses to leave a coating of desired thickness .

  19. 采用正丁醇-氢氧化钠反应体系,以十六烷基三甲基溴化铵为相转移催化剂,制得脱乙酰度为92%的壳聚糖。

    The chitosan was prepared with 92 % deacetylation degree using n-butanol and sodium hydroxide as a reaction medium and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as a phase transfer catalyst .

  20. 分析了发动机温度、怠速转速及燃料品质对柴油机烟度的影响,提出了测得准确烟度值的有效途径。

    The diesels temperatures , run idle , and fuel quality were analyzed in measuring smoke unit , then put forward effective method for acquiring precise smoke unit data .

  21. 不管有无加工硬化,为使其得稳定调质度以外之稳定调质度者而加以热处理者。

    No matter do or don 't passing the gardening processing , in order to obtain the stable regulation out of in control the stable regulation then do the heat treatment .

  22. 研究表明:采用-23℃低温速冻,40~50℃温水快速解冻,然后榨汁,再用果胶酶明胶法澄清,可得高澄清度的桑椹果汁;

    Experiment showed that high clarity mulberry juice could be prepared by quick-freezing at - 23 ℃, quick-thawing in warmer water at 40 ~ 50 ℃, squeezing and clarifying with pectinase-gelatin ;

  23. 研究结果表明:1.利用蚕蛹可以制得脱乙酰度高达96.38%的壳聚糖,反应时间的长短对脱乙酰度有直接影响,延长反应时间可提高壳聚糖的脱乙酰度。

    Silkworm can be using up to produced deacetylation degree of chitosan to 96.38 % , the reaction time has direct impact on deacetylation degree , extend the response time can increase the deacetylation degree of chitosan .

  24. 用该方法测得的精密度的相对标准偏差为1.73%,重现性和稳定性均较好(稳定性的相对标准偏差为4.6%)。

    Use this method , the relative standard deviation ( RSD ) of the precision was 1.73 % , the repeatability and the stability were also good ( the RSD of the stability was 4.6 % ) .

  25. 结果证实了这种空间平均角度散斑相关粗糙度测量方法的有效性,在同一表面只需对少数个区域进行测量并对测得的粗糙度参量取平均,即可获得足够的测量精度。

    The study proves the applicability of this angular speckle-correlation method using spatial average to roughness measurement . Enough measuring precision can be got , as long as a few parts of area on the same surface are measured and the results are averaged .

  26. 淀粉分子在碱性条件下与有机酸&醋酸酐反应,制得低取代度醋酸酯淀粉,与原淀粉比较,具有更高的粘稠度,更稳定,糊化后不凝沉。

    The starch member responds with the organic acid-acetic anhydride under the condition of alkaline , making low degree of substitution acetylated starch . Comparing with starch , acetylated starch is higher dense degree , more , stable and can not coagulate after gelatinization .

  27. 用酚醛树脂混合水泥、磨细矿渣或粉煤灰颗粒后再进行磨光、抛光和超声波清洗等工艺制得表面光洁度符合纳米硬度仪要求的试样。

    Results indicate that , after a series of procedures such as mixing cement with bakelite , grinding GGBS and fly ash particles and then polishing gradually , and ultrasonic washing , the roughness of samples can meet the requirements of the samples tested by nano-hardness apparatus .

  28. 平面度误差的测量,有三点法、对角线法和最小包容区域法,只有采用最小包容区域法测得的平面度误差的结果值为最小,且等于定义值。

    There are three different methods for flatness error measurement , that is . three points , diagonal line and the minimum containing area methods . Only when the minimum containing area method is used , can we obtain the minimum value and it is just the definition value .

  29. 通过XRD测得膜的结晶度。

    Crystallization degree was determined by XRD .

  30. 分析结果表明,HPLC方法与前两种方法相比,具有方法可靠、测得的结果准确度高等优点。

    It was proved that the method of HPLC was more reliable and the results obtained gave higher accuracy , than either the vis-spectrophotometric method or the UV-spectrophotometric method .