
  • 网络Micro Speaker;Mini Speaker
  1. 微型扬声器模态及声响应的有限元分析

    Micro Loudspeaker Modal Analysis and Acoustic Response Simulation By FEM

  2. 介绍了有限元法在微型扬声器振膜模态分析以及声响应分析中的一些应用。

    Some applications on FEM in the micro loudspeaker modal analysis and the acoustic response simulation are introduced .

  3. 高音、微型及号筒扬声器单元的大信号性能

    Large Signal Performance of Tweeter , Micro and Horn Loudspeaker

  4. 微型正四面体扬声器研制及性能测试

    Design and Characteristics Test for Micro Tetrahedral Loudspeaker

  5. 通过实验测试,本课题研发的微型声频定向扬声器具有很强的指向性。

    The sound pressure level test is also completed . Finally , according to the test result , high directivity is achieved by the micro directional loudspeaker prototype in this thesis .

  6. Y公司是一个电子元件制造企业,主要生产微型麦克风、微型扬声器以及蓝牙等电子产品,拥有管理人员、科研人员、技工以及一线生产等各类员工近20000人。

    Y Company is an electronic component manufacturing enterprise , with producing microphone , speaker , Bluetooth and other electronic products , and have nearly 20000 employees including managers , researchers , technicians and other staff .