
  • 网络Lightning arrester;Air-termination system;Air-terminal System
  1. 接闪器与防雷建筑之间空气间隙距离取值问题的商榷

    Discussion for Choose of Air-Gap Distance between Air-Termination System and Buildings

  2. 多针接闪器最佳针数的研究

    Research on the Optimum Needle Numbers of the Lightning Receiver

  3. 对避雷针(接闪器)的保护范围进行了理论分析和计算机仿真,提出了通过采用球形五针避雷器,提高基站对侧击雷和感应雷的防范能力的观点。

    The protective area of lightning rod was analyzed and simulated with computer .

  4. 建筑物防雷接闪器保护范围的研究

    Research on Protection Range of Building Lightning Arrester

  5. 对电阻性的接闪器消雷可能性加以评论。理论分析和初步验证试验均不能支持所谓“消雷器”的“限流功能”。

    A critical comment on the possibility of lightning elimination by virtue of the resistive air termination is given in this paper .

  6. 金属屋面建筑物利用自身金属薄板做接闪器,是一种工程中常采用的方案。

    It is a scheme often applied in the project for buildings with metal roofing to take self sheet metal as lightning receiver .

  7. 摘要指出体育场馆建筑在满足规范的前提下,应利用其金属屋面和钢结构作为直击雷接闪器。

    It is pointed out that on the premise of meeting the codes , the stadium construction should use its metal roof and steel structure as direct lightning flash air-termination system .

  8. 运用数理统计方法对接闪器的保护范围进行分析,选择最佳的接闪器保护建筑物,并引用雷击事故的事例加以说明。

    Analyses the protect zone of lightning arrester by the method to use mathematical statistics , choose the best lightning arrester to protect the building , and quote the example of lightning disaster .

  9. 线路本身相当于一个现实存在的接闪器,它可视为一个雷击电流的传变环节,线路遭受雷击时,对于不同的雷击,反映于线路上和保护安装处的暂态行波存在差异。

    The power transmission line itself can be regard as a subsistent terminal of the lightning current , the transient traveling wave detected from power line and relay location differs according to different lightning stroke .

  10. 结合相关雷电知识,对爆炸危险环境建筑物的防雷设计,如接闪器、引下线、接地装置、特殊建筑物等防雷装置及设施的设计进行详细的探讨。

    With reference to the knowledge of thundering and lightning ,, this paper analyzed in detail the designing against lightning protection device and facility in explosive and dangerous environment , such as arrestor , earth lead , earthing device , special building , etc.

  11. 阐述避雷带、避雷短针等接闪器的雷闪接触点与防雷建筑之间应保持足够的安全距离及其设计方法,以确保被保护建筑物及其内部人员、设备的安全。

    It presents that enough safety distance between building and lightning contacting point of lightning protection belt or short rod is necessary , thus it can ensure safety of building , human and equipment inside building . And the method of design is presented .