
  • 网络microbial inoculant
  1. 应用微生物接种剂和酶制剂调制玉米秸的研究

    Modulation of Corn Straw Using Microbial Inoculants and Enzyme Preparation

  2. 微生物接种剂和酶制剂对黑麦草青贮发酵品质的影响

    Effects of Microbial Inoculants and Enzyme Preparation Applied to Ryegrass at Ensiling on Silage Fermentation Quality

  3. 堆肥反应器中2种微生物接种剂的堆肥效果研究

    Effects of Microbial Inoculation on Composting in a Bioreactor

  4. 然而,堆肥微生物接种剂的研制中存在诸如菌剂微生物与土著微生物竞争,木质纤维素的有效降解等问题。

    However , the research of making microbial inoculants existed many questions , such as the competition of indigenous microorganisms , and the effectively degradation of lignocellulose .

  5. 本文采用EM有效微生物作为堆肥接种剂进行堆肥。

    This paper discusses to adopt effective microorganisms as medicament of inoculation to find way to compost .