
  • 网络Microchannel plate;mCp;MCPS
  1. 新型微通道板的进展与研究

    The Development and Research of AT - MCP

  2. 微通道板大量放气的原因

    The Causes of Large Degassing of MCP

  3. 由光辅助电化学刻蚀制备大面积p型硅微通道板

    Large Size P-type Silicon Microchannel Plates Prepared by Photo-Electrochemical Etching

  4. 用微通道板的高灵敏软X射线出现电势谱仪

    A high-sensitive soft X-ray appearance potential spectrometer with a multichannel plate

  5. 微通道板对软X射线响应的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Performances of MicroChannel Plate in Soft X-ray Region

  6. 测量毫微秒脉冲X射线的微通道板探测系统

    A nanosecond X-ray pulse detective system using microchannel plate

  7. 微通道板非晶态Al2O3电子透射膜

    Amorphous State Al_2O_3 Electron Transmission Film at the Input of MCP

  8. X射线像增强器用微通道板的研制

    Microchannel Plate for X-ray Image Intensifier

  9. 微通道板X射线探测器

    X-ray detector using a microchannel plate

  10. 利用简单的一维模型,计算出X射线经微通道板后的反射效率等一系列聚焦参数。

    Using simple one-dimensional model , the parameters of the focusing properties such as the reflection efficiency can be calculated .

  11. 微通道板表面发雾的AES分析

    Analysis of microchannel plate fogging surface by Auger electron spectroscopy

  12. 微通道板电子透射膜工艺的AES研究

    Studies of Electron Transmission Film at the Input of MCP by AES

  13. 微通道板电极表面的XPS分析

    XPS Studies of the Microchannel Plate

  14. 微通道板行波选通分幅相机动态特性的Monte-Carlo模拟微通道板变换式像增强器

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of a Gated V-type MCP Framing Camera ; microchannel-plate inverter image intensifier

  15. 二代近贴管微通道板(MCP)电子清刷技术

    Electron cleaning technique for generation 2 proximity tube microchannel plate

  16. 本文给出了微通道板(MCP)输出电极的最佳深度表达式。

    The expression for the optimum output electrode depth of MCP is given .

  17. 电子倍增器微通道板(MCP)在微光夜视技术中的应用

    The Application of Electronic Multiplier ( MCP ) in Low Light Level Night Vision Technique

  18. 基于MCP技术,利用微通道板的光电倍增原理,x线机得以从暗室中解放出来,而且辐射剂量大大降低。

    Taking advantage of photo electricity intensifier , X-ray liberated from darkroom , and the dosage reduced greatly .

  19. 已经证明,采用现有国产CCD和微通道板像增强器耦合技术可提高CCD有用的范围2个数量级。

    It is shown that two orders of magnitude improvement in the useful range of a CCD may be made by coupling a China-made CCD with a microchannel plate image intensifier .

  20. γ射线针孔照相系统是用于诊断γ射线源或X射线源图像的重要手段,它主要由厚针孔、闪烁体、微通道板像增强器和CCD相机等器件组成。

    γ - ray pinhole imaging system is a major approach to diagnose the radioactive source . It mainly comprises four parts : thick pinhole , LSO scintillator , Microchannel-plate image intensifier and CCD camera .

  21. 然后对微通道板的电子倍增特性进行研究分析,通过研究微通道板电子的倍增过程,分析了MCP二次电子发射系数及MCP增益的特性。

    We analysis the secondary electron multiplier for micro-channel plate in the first , and then analyzed and calculated the gain of Micro-channel plate .

  22. φ25mm二代微通道板增益性能改进

    Gain Performance Improvement of φ 25mm Generation ⅱ Microchannel Plate

  23. 它由光平面电子源、XY扫描控制板、微通道板及荧光屏组成。

    It is consisted of a photo emission source , a XY scanning controllable board , a micro channel plate and a phosphor screen .

  24. 本文分析了微通道板(MCP)在烘烤和电子轰击下大量放气的机理,结合有关实验数据给出了放气成分及放气量的相对大小。

    The causes of large degassing of MCP under baking and electron bombarding were studied and the ingredients and relative quantity of degassing were given .

  25. 微通道板(MCP)是一种先进的电子倍增器,是微光像增强器的核心部件。

    The Microchannel plane ( MCP ) is an electron multiplier , which is the core component of the low-light-level ( LLL ) image intensifier .

  26. 在线激光等离子体空间成象分析系统由成象体(双狭缝或针孔)、MCP(微通道板)象增强器、CCD摄象机和图象处理系统构成。

    The on-line spatial image analysis system for laser-produced plasmas consists of an imaging element with double slits or a pinhole , MCP image intensifier , a CCD camera and a pattern processing device .

  27. 对微通道板扩口工艺作了初步研究和探讨,提出了MCP扩口工艺实施方案。

    A preliminary research on broadening the pores of MCP has been made , and a preliminary blue print of broadening the pores of MCP is put up with .

  28. 微通道板(MCP)是一种电子倍增器件,应用十分广泛。

    MicroChannel plane ( MCP ) is a type of electronic multiplier , which is widely applied to scientific research and industry , especially to night vision in the military field .

  29. 作为微光像增强器核心部件之一的微通道板(microchannelplate,简称MCP),在放大输入信号的同时,也放大并产生噪声,理论普遍认为它是整个像增强器的主要噪声源。

    Micro-channel plate ( referred to as MCP ) is one of the core components of image intensifier . In the process of amplifying signal input also enlarged the noise . The theory existed generally deemed it as the main source of noise of image intensifier .

  30. 高性能微光器件Al2O3薄膜实质上就是在三代像管中微通道板(MCP)输入面上制备的一层超薄连续膜。

    The essence of the high performance low-light-level device Al_2O_3 film is one ultra thin continual film , it was made on the input surface of the MCP , and the MCP is the essential component in the Third-generation image intensifier .