
  • Dicos;dicos.com.cn
  1. 台湾顶新国际集团(TingHsinInternationalGroup)旗下的快餐连锁店德克士(Dicos)也在其官方微博上称,公司已停止贩售含有上海福喜生产的火腿片的早餐火腿三明治。

    Fast food chain Dicos , owned by Taiwanese company Ting Hsin International , said on its official microblog that the China-based company has stopped selling breakfast sandwiches that used ham from the meat supplier .

  2. 但餐品更为便宜、在二三线城市势力最强的台资快餐连锁店德克士(Dicos),不久前以2200家门店的数量超过了麦当劳。

    But Dicos - a Taiwanese-owned fast-food chain strongest in lower-tier cities , with cheaper menus - recently eclipsed the US burger chain with 2200 stores .

  3. 分析师称,供应商未能跟上快餐业扩张的脚步。以德克士(Dicos)为例,该公司今年第一季度门店数量同比增长40%,达到2200家。

    Analysts say suppliers have failed to keep up with expansion in the sector , with companies such as Dicos increasing its restaurant numbers by 40 per cent in the first quarter of this year compared with last year , to 2,200 stores .

  4. 在街角有一家新开张的德克士快餐店。

    There 's a new Dicos snack at the corner of the street .

  5. 按照德克士的计划,该集团截至去年底已将门店增加到近3000家。

    It planned to have nearly 3000 by the end of last year .

  6. 德克士计划在今年年底前将门店增加到近3000家。

    It plans to have nearly 3,000 by the end of the year .

  7. 本研究通过市场调研,对德克士和肯德基进行实证比较。

    Through market research , empirical comparison of KFC and Dicos was conducted .

  8. 1994年10月5日德克士在中国的第1家餐厅在成都开业,揭开了德克士在中国发展的序幕。

    On October 5,1994 , Dicos opened its first restaurant in Chengdu . Dicos opened a prelude to its development in China .

  9. 1996年-1998年,德克士炸鸡餐厅在成都市场的发展可谓风头正茂,大有同肯德基平分秋色之势。

    From 1996 to 1998 , Dicos fried chicken restaurant in Chengdu experienced its fast development phase . It had the tendency to have equal shares with the KFC .

  10. 传统的实体店的营销渠道,已经不能完全满足当代网络时代消费者的所有消费需求了,肯德基在两年前推出了网上订餐这一新的销售渠道,实践证明,销售额大大地提高,值得德克士借鉴学习。

    And KFC launched a new sales channel of online ordering two years ago , which proved to have greatly increased sales . Dicos can learn from this new model .

  11. 召回不足使查尔斯梅特勒被吓倒,当他停留在衣阿华得梅因的德克士餐馆时,他在星期二点了火腿蛋松饼。

    The recall isn 't enough to scare off Charles Mettler , who ordered an eggs Benedict on Tuesday when he stopped by Drake Diner 's in Des Moines , Iowa .

  12. 分析德克士在品牌文化、餐厅环境、产品口味、以及广告促销等方面同肯德基的差距,探索德克士逐渐淡出消费者视线的原因。

    The gap of brand culture , restaurant environment , product taste , and advertising promotions etc. between Dicos and KFC was analyzed , and the conclusion of how Dicos gradually faded out of sight of consumers was made .