
  • 网络Moral Leadership
  1. 第三,企业德行领导与员工组织公民行为呈显著正相关关系。

    Third , moral leadership has a significant positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior .

  2. 同时,进一步分析了企业德行领导、领导&成员交换质量和组织公民行为及其各维度之间的关系。

    It analyzes the employees ' aesthesis about the dimensions of moral leadership and organizational citizenship behavior with different characteristics .

  3. 德行领导完全通过程序公正、领导公正、领导解释的中介,最终作用于分配公正;权威领导通过领导公正的中介,最终作用于分配公正。

    Moral leadership and authoritarian leadership influence distributive justice by mediation of procedural justice , leader justice and leader interpretation completely .

  4. 其中仁慈领导和德行领导分别对团队创造力具有显著的正向影响,而威权领导对团队创造力的影响则并不显著。

    Specifically , benevolent leadership and moral leadership have significantly positive correlations with team creativity , while the correlation between authoritarian leadership and team creativity is not significant .

  5. 但四种主管与部属的性别配对间,主管所展现的威权领导以及仁慈领导有显著差异存在,至于德行领导则没有差异。

    However , considering the weight of subordinate 's sex , sex combinations of supervisor-subordinate do have the prevailing influence on authoritarianism and benevolent leadership but on moral leadership .

  6. 源于华人文化背景的家长式领导,涵盖德行领导、仁慈领导和威权领导三个维度,带有一定的文化异质性。越来越多的证据表明,家长式领导对员工的态度和行为有重要影响。

    Originated from Chinese culture background , and with a certain cultural heterogeneity , paternalistic leadership ( PL ) includes three dimensions , such as moral leadership , benevolence leadership and authoritarianism leadership .

  7. 431份有效问卷的探索性因素分析表明,变革型领导是一个四因素的结构,具体包括:德行垂范、领导魅力、愿景激励与个性化关怀。

    Exploratory Factor Analysis ( EFA ) of data from a sample of 431 employees showed that transformational leadership was a four-dimension construct in China , which included Morale Modeling , Charisma ,( Visionary ) and Individualized Consideration .