
  • 网络Ruhr
  1. 化腐朽为神奇&德国鲁尔区产业遗产的保护与利用

    Conservation and Rehabilitation of Industrial Heritage in Ruhr , Germany

  2. 探索中的德国鲁尔区城市生态系统:实施战略

    Exploring Urban Ecosystems in the Ruhr Region of Germany : Implementation Strategies

  3. 德国鲁尔区的架构正在发生着变化。

    Structural changes are taking place in Germanys Ruhrgebiet .

  4. 矿业城市产业转型研究&以德国鲁尔区为例

    Study on the industrial structural adjustment of mining cities & taking Ruhr as the example

  5. 逆工业化与工业遗产旅游开发:德国鲁尔区的实践过程与开发模式

    De-industrialization and development of industrial heritage tourism : the actual process and development model of Ruhr in Germany

  6. 政府环境在老工业基地振兴中的作用&德国鲁尔区的实践与启示

    Effect of the Government Environment in the Development of the Traditional Industry Base - The useful experiences of the Ruhr

  7. 新经济和新计划能否遏制老工业区的衰落?&以德国鲁尔区和多特蒙德市为例

    New Economy and New Projects in Old Industrial Areas : Do They Slow Down the Trend of Decline ? & The Case of the Ruhr Area and the City of Dortmund

  8. 德国鲁尔区通过开展工业旅游成功实现经济转型和振兴的经验值得山西地区借鉴。

    Learning successful experience from the economic transition and revitalization of Ruhr Region Germany with the assistance of developing industrial tourism plays a very important role for the tourism development in Shanxi Province .

  9. 莱茵河穿过瑞士巴塞尔的化工塔林,流过德国鲁尔区的炼钢炉群,在荷兰鹿特丹的油罐矩阵中入海,可河水依旧清澈。

    The Rhine flows through the chemical Tallinn in Switzerland Basel , the steelmaking furnaces in German Ruhr area , the oilcan matrix in the Netherlands Rotterdam into the sea , but the river is still crystal clear .

  10. 德国鲁尔区的经济振兴是资源型城市转型的成功案例,高科技产业已经取代煤炭开采、钢铁和啤酒生产成为城市的主导产业。

    The structural change of the Rhine-Ruhr Region is one of the most successful urban transformation cases . Hightech companies now dominate the city that was , a decade ago , dominated by the coal , steel and beer industries .

  11. 其他几个国家和城市也表达了举办2032年奥运会的意愿,包括印尼、中国、卡塔尔的多哈、匈牙利的布达佩斯和德国的鲁尔区。

    Several cities and countries had expressed an interest in hosting the Games , including Indonesia , China , Doha in Qatar , Budapest in Hungary and Germany 's Ruhr region .

  12. 打破传统的单一经济结构造就了德国鲁尔工业区的复兴;

    To break through the traditional economic structure made the rejuvenation of the industrial zone in Lure of German .

  13. 这个杂志报告是基于一个持续的研究数据,这个研究是在德国鲁尔工业区的三个城市进行的。

    The journal report is based on data from a continuing study done in three cities in the industrialized Ruhr area of Germany .

  14. 在这部分,主要是选取了与我国老工业基地有很多相似性的、具有典型意义的三个成功的案例;美国的冷冻地带、德国鲁尔工业区、日本北九州工业区。

    There are three typical successful cases , which are similar with our old industry-zones : American " Freezing belt ", Germany " LU-ER industry zone ", Japan " north-Kyushu " industry area .

  15. 我国东北老工业区与当年衰落的德国鲁尔工业区有许多相似之处,而鲁尔工业区利用循环经济模式成功改造和振兴的例子为我们提供了重要的启示。

    There are many similar places between our northeast old industrial district and the declined German Lu'r industrial district , but Lu'r industrial district provides us a successful transformation example using the circulation economic type .

  16. 作者在2005年5月对德国进行考察的基础上,对德国鲁尔区的发展历程、工业废弃用地与工业设施遗存改造规划做了初步的分析;

    Based on the investigation in German , the development course , and the urban revival of the industrial relics of the Ruhr are analyzed in this paper .