
xīn zhào
  • understand without being told;have an understanding
心照 [xīn zhào]
  • [understand without being told] 心里知道

  • 邻里人自有心照,晓得巢大郎是明做好人之言。--《二刻拍案惊奇》

心照[xīn zhào]
  1. 她曾经想象过。他俩之问需要交换一次彼此心照的眼色。

    One glance of recognition , she had imagined , must needs pass between them .

  2. “每日一入学中,四处各坐,却八目勾留,或设言托意,或咏桑寓柳,遥以心照,却外面自为避人眼目。”

    " Every day from four different seats four pairs of eyes kept meeting , and while trying to escape detection they contrived by hints and allusions to reveal their thoughts . "