
  1. 目前,心雨欣饰品已经囊括了设计、生产、加工、来样定制、销售五大产业。

    At present , the Xinyuxin accessories have included the design , production , processing , sample custom , sales five industries .

  2. 相信在不久的将来,心雨欣定会有更大的发展,将更好的服务于全球饰品行业!

    I believe in the near future , there will be more Xinyuxin development , will better serve the global jewelry industry !

  3. 短短几年,心雨欣已经完成了从单一的传统商贸型向集生产、加工、销售于一体的战略转型。

    Just a few years , the heart Yuxin has completed the traditional business from a single type to the production , processing and sales of strategic transformation .

  4. 心雨欣饰品坐落于有着“小商品海洋,购物者天堂”之美誉的义乌,创立于2001年,原名锋达饰品。

    Xinyuxin Jewelry is located in the heart has a " commodity ocean , shoppers paradise " reputation of Yiwu , founded in2001 , formerly known as glitter ornaments .

  5. 处在这样一个特殊的历史时期,心雨欣饰品临危不惧,从容应对,顺利度过了这场金融风暴,也让心雨欣这个品牌变得更加坚强!

    In such a special period of history , courage and Xinyuxin Jewelry , calmly and smoothly through this financial turmoil , but also for Xinyuxin the brand has become stronger !

  6. 先后出版诗集《哲理的思索》、《心雨乡韵》、《雪花飞飘的日子》、《无声的河流》和《古今明镜800篇》等。

    He has published Philosophical Thoughts , The Rain of Heart and the Air of Country , The Days With Floating Flakes , A Silent River and800 Pieces of Wisdom From the Ancient Till Now .