
  • 网络loyalty management
  1. 顾客忠诚管理是营销界和管理界学者关注的焦点。

    Customer loyalty management has been a hotspot concern of academics and managers .

  2. 论网络信息环境下的顾客忠诚管理

    Customer loyalty management in network information environment

  3. 新型的图书馆管理模式&忠诚管理

    Loyalty Management , A New Pattern of Library Management

  4. 第四部分是基于顾客价值的品牌忠诚管理及其提高途径。

    The fourth part is based on the customer value management and enhance brand loyalty means .

  5. 本文将着重研究领导力和员工忠诚管理的相关性。

    This article will study the relevance which emphatically the leadership strength and the staff manage loyally .

  6. 忠诚管理认为顾客管理与员工管理不仅目的是协同的,其基本原理也一致。

    Loyalty Management believes that managing customers and managing employees are same in goals and basic principles .

  7. 忠诚管理:通向零流失率

    Loyalty agement Zero erosion rate

  8. 因此,员工的忠诚管理成为了企业人力资源管理的一项重要议题。

    As a result , employees ' loyalty management has become one of the most important issues in HRM .

  9. 顾客主动忠诚管理包括提高顾客满意度、提高服务质量、顾客抱怨管理、服务补救、加强客户关系管理、培养员工忠诚。

    The former includes improving customer satisfaction , enhancing service quality , customer complaints management , service remedy , customer relationship management and training staff loyalty .

  10. 之后提出了针对服务性企业的顾客忠诚管理规范提升的途径,包括顾客忠诚建立、培育和管理策略。

    Next , the way of improving the management of customer loyalty to service enterprises is proposed , which includes the policy of creating , breeding and managing customer loyalty .

  11. 最后,利用这个模型,结合调研中发现的问题,提出了我国饭店企业忠诚管理中的不足以及相应的对策策略。

    Finally , in light of the model and the findings of this research , countermeasures are suggested against the deficiency of the customer loyalty management in the hotel business of our country .

  12. 顾客忠诚管理策略的制定与实施,有利于企业为顾客提供符合顾客需求的差异化的服务,使企业顾客建立并保持长期的、双向互动关系,保障关系。

    The formulation and implementation strategy of customers loyalty management benefit the enterprise to meet customer demand for differentiated services , the enterprise customers can establish and maintain long-term , interactive security relations .

  13. 顾客忠诚管理是服务营销学的重要内容,在第一产业、第二产业、尤其是第三产业的发展中起着日益重要的作用。

    The service quality of customer loyalty is the important content of service marketing , playing an increasingly important role in the development of primary industry , the secondary industry , especially the tertiary industry .

  14. 制定与实施客户忠诚管理策略,为客户提供综合性、差异化的服务,高度履行对客户的承诺,是企业保持与客户长期、双向互动关系的重要保障。

    The establishment and implementation of customer loyalty management strategy , providing integrative and different service for the customers , is an important safeguard to keep endurable and interactive relationship between the enterprise and the customer .

  15. 第三、对客户满意和忠诚管理策略进行分析,阐述了客户服务管理、客户投诉管理及客户流失管理,提出要与客户建立伙伴关系。

    Thirdly , with the analysis of management on customer satisfaction and loyalty , management on customer service , customer sue and customer drain are expounded , this paper put forward partner relationship should be established .

  16. 制定和实施顾客忠诚管理策略,为顾客提供差异化的服务,履行高度的顾客承诺,是企业保持与顾客长期互动关系的重要保证。

    Formulate and implement customer loyalty management strategy , to provide customers with differentiation , and perform the height of the service customer commitment , is the enterprise keep long-term interactive relation with customers of the important guarantee .

  17. 但是,我国的航空公司刚刚走出卖方市场竞争的阶段,有时候仍然会忽视企业品牌忠诚管理,导致消费者在购买和使用电子机票的过程中没有形成满意和品牌忠诚。

    However , the airline companies in our country just walk out the stage of seller market , and they sometimes neglect the companies ' brand loyalty management , which is important to form customer satisfaction and brand loyalty during the ticket booking and flying process .

  18. 工业品企业顾客忠诚及管理研究

    Study on Customer Loyalty and the Relative Management in Industrial Enterprise

  19. 顾客忠诚营销管理研究

    On Customer Loyalty Marketing Management

  20. 特别是对于顾客流失的监测和分析更有利于提出构建顾客忠诚的管理策略。

    Especially , monitoring and analyzing the loss of customers will be more beneficial to provide customer loyalty management strategy .

  21. 戴蒙的支持者表示,尽管他直来直去经常传出他与下属大声争吵的故事但他竭力避免冲突,并培养出一支绝对忠诚的管理团队。

    Supporters say that in spite of his directness and repeated stories of shouting matches with underlings Mr Dimon strives to avoid conflict and has developed a cadre of ultra-loyal executives .

  22. 教师的学校忠诚是教师管理工作中遇到的新问题。

    The teacher 's school loyalty is a new problem on teacher management .

  23. 创造忠诚员工的管理技术

    How to Create Faithful Employee

  24. 目前随着饭店行业竞争的不断加剧,人才保留和员工忠诚受到了管理实践者的极大重视。

    With the constantly fierce competition of hospitality industry , managerial practitioners are paying more attention to talent retention and employee loyalty .

  25. 给出了顾客忠诚、员工忠诚和投资者忠诚在企业管理中应用的若干对策,建立了四维忠诚管理模型即忠诚体系。

    Some measures are suggested to take for the loyalty of customers , employees and investors in the application of business management , with a 4-dimension loyalty model developed .

  26. 之后提出了针对工业品企业的顾客忠诚建立和培育的的途径,并且给出了基于顾客价值和顾客转换成本的顾客忠诚管理策略,用以指导工业品企业的营销实践,提高企业的长期盈利能力。

    The customer loyalty management policies based on customer value and customer switching costs have been tried to provid help on industrial marketing which can improve the long-term profit performance .