
  • 网络Thought experiment
  1. 它代表了API设计上的一次思想实验,不关注实现的复杂性、试用可行性和社区反馈。

    It represents a thought experiment in API design unhindered by the complexities of implementation , trial usage or community feedback .

  2. 随着实验技术的进步,EPR问题由思想实验发展到可以通过实验直接验证。

    With the development of experimental technique , the EPR problem has grown out of thought experiment and can be tested directly through real experiment .

  3. 我所能追溯到的最早进行这个思想实验的人是英国《独立报》(theindependent)某位不知名的创始人。

    The earliest such thought experimenter I can trace is an unnamed founder of the independent newspaper .

  4. 唯一支持这种情形的“思想实验”,就是异想天开。

    The only thought experiment supporting this scenario is wishful thinking .

  5. 他最广为人知的思想实验就是为电子照相。

    His most well-known thought experiment involved photographing an electron .

  6. 电梯思想实验,重力红移,光弯曲。

    Elevator " Thought Experiments "; Gravitational Red Shift , Light Bending .

  7. 思想实验中的试错:法理学研究方法中的猜想与反驳

    Trial-and-Error Method in Thinking Experiment : Hypotheses and Refutation in Jurisprudential Studies

  8. 接下来我们就得到了这个著名的思想实验。

    So then we get to this famous thought experiment .

  9. 一些关注实际的人不喜欢思想实验。

    Some practical men do not like the idea of a thought experiment .

  10. 思想实验和20世纪物理学革命

    Thought experiments and the physics revolution in 20-th Century

  11. 浅谈思想实验在物理教学中的使用

    On the Use of Mind Experiment in Physics Teaching

  12. 思维实验可分为两种情况:理想实验和思想实验。

    There are two cases of thought experiments : gedanken experiment and thought experiment .

  13. 塞尔中文屋思想实验的哲学意蕴辨析

    Analytic and Distinct Philosophic Meaning about Searle 's Chinese Room Thought Experiment TREE HOUSE

  14. 无人驾驶汽车伦理问题的一个层面涉及不同情景和思想实验。

    One layer of ethical questions for driverless cars involves scenarios and thought experiments .

  15. 思想实验及其在物理学中的应用

    Thought Experiment and its Application in Physics

  16. 让我们做一个一段时间以来人们已经在做的思想实验。

    Let us do a thought experiment that people have been performing for some time .

  17. 他最著名的理论来源于这个独特的思想实验。

    One of the results of this particular thought experiment was his famous theory of relativity .

  18. 最著名的就是语言哲学家塞尔的中文房间思想实验。

    Most famous opposition is the Chinese room thought experiment which is proposed by language philosopher Searle .

  19. 临床决策问题也为医学哲学研究提供了一个极佳的思想实验场所。

    Clinical decision-making also provides us with a marvelous arena for our thinking experiments in philosophy of medicine .

  20. 他做了“思想实验”。他想象自己可以跑的像光一样快。

    He visualized what it would he like to ride on the end of a beam of light .

  21. 举出了思想实验在物理教学中使用的几个例子,并分析了它在物理教学中的重要作用。

    This article gives several examples about the use of mind experiment , and analyses its important effect .

  22. 设计了一个简单的思想实验,用动量定理对洛伦兹变换成立的条件导出了相对论质量公式。

    Based on the theorem of momentum , the mass equation of special relativity is derived using a simple thought experiment .

  23. 爱因斯坦曾经幻想在宇宙中乘着一道光线飞驰,这个思想实验为他的狭义相对论奠定了基础。

    Albert Einstein onceimagined riding on a light beam , and his thought experiment led him to thetheory of special relativity .

  24. 思想实验用以揭示概念与观测之间的隐含冲突,并鲜明显示新的概念。

    Thought-experiment helps to re - veal the hidden contradictions between the conceptions and the observations and helps to remold new conceptions .

  25. 你和我管它叫白日梦,但是他就是称它为思想实验,因为他是爱因斯坦。

    The tool you and I would call was daydreaming , but he gets it called thought experiment because he is Einstein .

  26. 他在其有名的思想实验中,实质上就是复杂的类比中,成就了一些最伟大的科学发现。

    He famously used thought experiments , which are essentially elaborate analogies , to come up with some of his greatest discoveries .

  27. 最终,给予他线索的原来是他的老忠实的推理方式思想实验。

    Ultimately , the thing that gives him that clue turns out to be his old faithful way of reasoning & the thought experiment .

  28. 本文阐述了思想实验的涵义以及它与科学实验的区别,讨论了思想实验在物理学研究中的应用。

    This paper expounded of thought experiment and the difference between thought experiment and science experiment , and discussed the application of thought experiment in physics .

  29. 传统文化思维程式的提醒和新的文化思想实验结果所产生的诱惑,使得赋家处于矛盾痛苦的境地。

    Traditional cultural way of thought awakened and the result of experiments on cultural thoughts tempted the author of Fu , and made them contradictory and agony .

  30. 科学理性的主要内容,是以归纳、演绎为主的形式逻辑和以假说为目标的思想实验。

    The essentials of scientific reason consist of formal logic with deduction and induction as its main components , and ideological experimentation with hypothesis as its goal .