
  1. 而形式逻辑是一门工具性的学科,它的研究对象是思维的形式结构和规律。

    As we all know , formal logic is a tool of science . The research object of formal logic is the form of thinking .

  2. 数理逻辑是应用数学方法引进一套符号系统来研究抽象思维的形式结构和规律的一门年轻的应用学科,它要求学生要具有高度的抽象思维能力和严谨的数学推理功底。

    Mathematical logic is a new applied subject which is introduced into apph'ed mathematics as a symbol system to study the formal structures and laws of abstract language . It requires students of ability in abstract thinking and mathematical inference .

  3. 区分辩证思维和普通思维的标准在于思维主体的水平,同样,区别辩证思维形式与普通思维形式的标准也在于思维主体的认识水平,而不在于思维形式的结构。

    The difference between dialectical thinking and general thinking lies in the understanding level of thinking subjects , so is the difference of forms of dialectical thinking & general thinking , instead of the structure of thinking forms .