
sī xiǎnɡ jiě fànɡ
  • ideological emancipation
  1. 试析当代思想解放运动的特点

    An Analysis of the Features of Contemporary Movement of Ideological Emancipation

  2. 思想解放是创新中一个普遍而永恒的主题。

    Ideological emancipation is a common and eternal topic in innovation .

  3. 她下定决心做一个思想解放的女实业家。

    She was determined that she would become a liberated businesswoman .

  4. 思想解放、理论创新与我国私营经济的发展

    The Innovation of the Theory and the Development of Private Enterprise

  5. 思想解放是中国改革的巨大推动力量&世纪之交中国经济体制改革的深层思考之一

    The Ideological Liberation Is the Great Motive Force of China Reformation

  6. 思想解放和西方文化思想的影响;

    The trend of thought liberation and western culture and thought ;

  7. 当代中国第一次思想解放的历史启示

    The Historic Enlightenments from the First Mind Liberation in Contemporary China

  8. 价值理论创新与新世纪思想解放&从思想解放的进程谈价值理论创新的必要

    The Innovation on Value Theory and Ideological Emancipation in the New Century

  9. 消除既得利益集团影响是思想解放的最大障碍

    Vested Interest Group is the Biggest Obstacle to Mind Emancipation

  10. 思想解放潮流给她们带来生活的巨大变化。

    The tide of ideological emancipation brought tremendous changes to their life .

  11. 我国在所有制问题上的三次重大思想解放

    The Three Important Ideological Emancipations on the Problem of Ownership in Our Country

  12. 三次思想解放高潮及其历史启示

    The Three Peaks in the Emancipation of the Mind and Their Historical Relevance

  13. 思想解放是人的解放的必要前提;

    Emancipation of the mind as a necessary prerequisite ;

  14. 理论界应走向新的思想解放

    An ideological emancipation is needed in the theoretical circles

  15. 两个宣言与新一轮思想解放&重温南方谈话、学习七一讲话的思考

    Two pronouncements and a new tide of thought liberation

  16. 思想解放绝非一件容易的事情。

    Emancipation is by no means an easy task .

  17. 思想解放与人类社会发展的关系研究

    A Research on the Relations Between Ideological Emancipation and Development of Human Society

  18. 国企改革:理论陷阱与思想解放

    The Innovation of Goverment Enterprise-The Pitfall of Theory and the Emancipation of Mind

  19. 论大学生思想解放与成才

    On the Ideological Liberation and Maturity of College Students

  20. 在这个过程中,思想解放起到了不可替代而又至关重要的作用。

    In this process , ideological emancipation plays an irreplaceable and important role .

  21. 延安时期,是一个思想解放的伟大时期。

    The Yan ' an times , is a great time of ideological liberation .

  22. 近代中国的思想解放潮流

    The Trend of Thought Liberation in Modern China

  23. 改革开放30年思想解放与经济发展研究

    Research on Mind Emancipation and Economy Development of Reform And Opening For 30 Years

  24. 都是思想解放的成果。

    It is the achievement of ideological emancipation .

  25. 20世纪中国经历的三次思想解放运动

    Three Movements of Ideological Liberation in Twentieth-Century China

  26. 制约思想解放的主体性因素探析

    Analysis of Subjectivity Factors Restricting Ideological Emancipation

  27. 思想解放运动中崛起的中篇小说。

    Third , medium-novels with ideological emancipation .

  28. 王守仁与明末清初思想解放潮流

    Wang Shou-ren & the Trend of Ideological Emancipation of Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty

  29. 浅论新时期三次思想解放的特点

    Characteristics of the Three Liberations of Thought

  30. 人的解放,不仅指政治解放和思想解放,也包括劳动解放;

    Individual emancipation not only encompasses political emancipation and ideological emancipation , but also labor emancipation ;