
  • 网络Gender politics;sexual politics;sexual politic;politics of gender
  1. 生态政治和性别政治论述请见第4章。

    For a discussion of biology and sexual politics , see chapter 4 .

  2. 掩蔽在汉语音译外来女名中的性别政治

    Sexual Politics of Foreign Women Names Hidden in Chinese Transliteration

  3. 性别政治是马希尔工作的一个中心主题。

    Gender politics is a central theme of Maher 's work .

  4. 文本的政治性:《所罗门之歌》的种族与性别政治

    The Political Concern : Race and Gender in Song of Solomon

  5. 族群政治、性别政治和阶级政治的三维空间&后殖民女性主义批评视角简析

    Three-dimensional Space of Politics of Race , Gender and Class

  6. 男性气质与性别政治&解读伊恩.麦克尤恩的《家庭制造》

    Hegemonic Masculinity and Gender Politics : Interpreting Ian McEwan s Homemade ;

  7. 我最不喜欢的就是性别政治的历史啦。

    My least favourite part of History is Gender Politics .

  8. 叙事形式与性别政治&女性主义叙事学评析

    Narrative Form and Gender Politics : On Feminist Narratology

  9. 赛伯空间中的主体技术和性/性别政治

    Technology and Sex / Gender-based Politics in the Cyberspace

  10. 它不是雌雄同体,而是男女皆宜,蕴含着完全正确的性别政治。

    Not so much androgynous as unisex , it implies perfectly correct gender politics .

  11. 从性别政治到生态政治:西方女权主义艺术的进路

    From gender politics to zoology politics : the marching way of western art of feminism

  12. 性别政治下的女性发展边缘化

    A Study of the Marginalization of the Female Development from the Perspective of Gender Politics

  13. 性别政治与翻译的忠实

    Gender Politics and Fidelity in Translation

  14. 希拉里与佩林:妇女运动、性别政治和美国总统大选

    Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin : Women Movement , Gender Politics , and American Presidential Election

  15. 性别政治之去自然化

    The Denaturalization of Gender Politics

  16. 20世纪文学日常生活话语中的性别政治

    Sexual Politics in the Discourse about Daily Life in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century Chinese Literature

  17. 受西方女性主义影响,《圣经》英译表现出对语言性别政治的关注,出现了性别中性化翻译的新实践。

    The feminist concern over gender politics in language has inspired a new practice in Bible translation into English .

  18. 体制建构与性别政治&丁玲研究的盲点和新视角

    System Establishment and Sex Politics & On the Blind Spots and New Visual Angles in the Research into Ding Ling

  19. 试析台湾政治运作中的女性因素&兼论立法院性别政治生态

    Study on the Female Factor in Political Process of Taiwan & And Review on the Gender Zoology in Politics of Legislature

  20. 这些新的形象、形式,与性别政治或先锋艺术给我们带来的美学革命是不一样的,其最大的特征并非是超越性,而是商业性。

    These new images , forms , are different from the esthetic revolution which is triggered by gender politics and avant-garde art .

  21. 《一小时的故事》与文学阐释的几个方面&兼答《性别政治还是婚姻约束》一文

    " The Story of an Hour " and Some Aspects of Literary Interpretation : A Reply to " Gender Politics or Marriage Bondage "

  22. 奥巴马在南卡罗来纳州的竞选发言人阿马亚.史密斯说,支持奥巴马的年轻人反对种族政治、性别政治和僵硬的党派立场。

    Obama South Carolina campaign spokesperson Amaya Smith says young people who support Barack Obama reject racial politics , gender politics and rigid partisan positions .

  23. 如果你觉得研究性别政治已经非常复杂了,那就想想吧,这个小小的微生物竟然有不少于7种的性别!

    If you think keeping track of gender politics is complicated , consider the fact that this little creature has no fewer than seven genders !

  24. 他的戏剧文学中包含着丰富的华裔文学的特点及主题内容如:种族、社会偏见、文化差异、以及性别政治等等。

    There are abundant themes and contents about Asian literature in his dramas such as : racial and social discrimination , culture differences and gender politics .

  25. 本文从性别政治这一理论视角出发,对大众媒体在构建女性形象时显现的性别歧视进行考察。

    From the theoretical viewpoint of gender politics , this paper studies the discrimination of women through the women image construction on mass media in China .

  26. 文化研究作为反权力话语,主要由大众文化研究、后殖民批评、性别政治和知识分子理论等四个基本论题构成。

    As anti-hegemony discourse ," Cultural Studies " mainly consists of four major topics of popular culture research , Post-colonialism criticism , gender politics and intelligentsia theory , etc.

  27. 女权主义理论的传播开启了妇女的心智,使社会了解到两性不平等的本质以及在性别政治、权力关系与性意识之上的不平等。

    The feminist theory can open minds , make the women to understand the essence of gender inequality in gender and sexual politics , power is not equal .

  28. 伍尔夫在其小说中运用了大量的自由间接话语这一叙事技巧,很好地体现了其文本的性别政治主张。

    As a way of speech or thought presentation in English novels , free indirect discourse has been explored by many linguists and writers and critics from different aspects .

  29. 这么说的原因是,在今天的美国政治舞台上,似乎没有哪个人能像佩林一样,既反映出关于性别政治的诸多矛盾,又让像我自己这样的职业女性感到如此纠结。

    For there is perhaps nobody on the American political scene today who reflects so many contradictions about gender politics as Ms Palin , nor leaves professional women like myself feeling so torn .

  30. 但近来又有学者提出,该小说并不涉及性别政治,而仅涉及婚姻枷锁与单身自由之间的关系。

    There has been offered , however , a new perspective which proposes that The Story of an Hour is not concerned about gender politics , rather it is solely about marriage bondages and celibacy freedom .