
  • 网络sex addiction;Sexual addiction
  1. 本文将着重介绍PatrickCarnes在其书《走出阴影》中所描述的第一水平的性成瘾。

    This article will focus on what Patrick Carnes in his bookOut of the Shadowsrefers to as the Level One sex addict .

  2. 我对性成瘾又学习障碍又变得不会打篮球了。

    I 'm this sex addict with a learning disorder who forgot how to play basketball .

  3. 网络成瘾类型分为网络关系成瘾、网络娱乐成瘾、信息搜集成瘾和网络性成瘾4个维度;

    Internet Addiction Type Sub-scale included 4 domains : Internet connection addiction , internet recreation addiction , information collection addiction and network addiction .

  4. 性成瘾可能参与一种或者多种这样的性行为,然而不管如何这种行为都是重复性地,强迫性的,冲动性的,受到内在驱使的。

    The sex addict may participate in one or many of these behaviors , but the behavior is repetitive , compulsive , and driven .

  5. 渐渐地,即使强迫性成瘾行为所带来的欣快感变得越来越淡,强迫性观念占据的时间却越来越多。

    The obsessive thinking takes up ever growing amounts of time , even as the compulsive addictive behavior may be becoming less and less rewarding .

  6. 结果:治疗组42例因失眠服用西药出现依赖性成瘾的患者,显效30例,有效9例,无效3例。

    Result : In the 42 cases of therapeutic group , 30 patients had apparent results , 9 had effective results and 3 had no effects .

  7. 自我同一性与网络成瘾的关系分析。

    Second , relation analysis of Self - identity and IA .

  8. 非依赖性抗癫痫药对成瘾性疾病的治疗作用

    Effects of non-dependent antiepileptic agents on addiction disease

  9. 麻醉性镇痛剂成瘾性模型的建立及生物因子治疗效果的观察

    Development of an Addiction Model of Narcotic Analgetic and the Therapeutic Effect of Biological Factor on It

  10. 大学生网络成瘾性与体育成瘾性行为的比较

    Comparative study on undergraduates addictions to Web and PE ; Internet-related Behavior Characteristics of Adolescents with Internet Addiction

  11. 盐酸曲马多由于其毒副作用小,无耐受性,无成瘾性和无戒断症状而越来越广泛的应用于急慢性疼痛的治疗。

    Tramadol hydrochloride was widely used to the therapy of acute and chronic pain as its low side effects .

  12. 性与爱情成瘾的康复是有可能的,就像物质成瘾的康复一样。

    Recovery from sex and love addiction can occur . The process of recovery is much like recovery from substance addictions .

  13. 分析的主要效应指标为复吸率,次要指标为焦虑、抑郁、心理渴求水平、疼痛程度、稽延性戒断症状、成瘾严重程度指数、健康状况和不良事件等。

    The main response variable was relapse rate , and the secondary indexes were anxiety , depression , psychological craving , pain degree , protracted withdrawal symptoms , addiction severity index , health status and adverse events .

  14. 心理干预在抗焦虑,抗抑郁,降低心理渴求水平、疼痛程度、稽延性戒断症状,成瘾严重程度指数和不良事件发生率,改善健康状况等方面没有明显效果。

    There are no obvious effects of psychological intervention in anti-anxiety and anti-depression , decreasing psychological craving , pain degree , protracted withdrawal symptoms , addiction severity index , incidence of adverse event , and improving health status . 3 .

  15. 当网络游戏成瘾者面对成瘾相关正性线索时,成瘾记忆被诱发,产生成瘾线索可用性的期望,由此成瘾者的注意偏向(和主观渴求感)得以产生。

    When confronted with related positive clues , the addiction memory of the online game addict is induced and expection about the availability of addiction clue produces , which leads to the appearance of attention bias ( and subjective craving ) of addicts .

  16. 未成年人虚拟行为异化的三个基本类型:未成年人虚拟认识异化、虚拟实践异化和虚拟交往异化,其基本特点是非理性、依赖性、沉浸性和成瘾性。

    There are 3 basic forms of the minors ' virtual behavior alienation : the alienation of virtual cognition , virtual practice and virtual communication . Their basic characters are irrationality , dependency , immersing and addiction .

  17. 多巴胺D3受体与帕金森病、精神分裂症等神经性或精神性疾病及药物成瘾等有关。该种与秦岭无心菜A。

    D_ 3 receptor is related to many kinds of nervous or psychical disease , such as Parkinsonism and Schizophrenia , and is also related to the drug addiction .

  18. 产生不忠行为的原因有很多,比如说报复,无聊,性的新鲜感所带来的刺激,性成瘾等。

    There are many reasons for infidelity , such as revenge , boredom , the thrill of sexual novelty , sexual addiction .