
  • 网络Stellar collision;Collision course
  1. 但这并非表示恒星碰撞是不寻常的。

    But that does not mean collisions are uncommon .

  2. 夏拉的研究兴趣包括恒星碰撞、星与超新星,以及星团和星系内恒星的数目分布。

    Shara 's research interests include stellar collisions , novae and supernovae , and the populations of stars that inhabit star clusters and galaxies .

  3. 星系彼此非常接近,但还没有近到可以让其恒星互相碰撞到。

    Galaxies are very close to each other , but still not close enough to their stars began to collide with each other .

  4. 只要时间够长,这些密集的恒星将开始碰撞。

    Given enough time , the tightly packed stars will begin to collide .

  5. 由于这些星系都很巨大,所以它们的碰撞是一种慢动作过程,通常要经过数亿年才会完成。只要时间够长,这些密集的恒星将开始碰撞。

    Because the distances are so large , the cosmic interaction takes place in slow motion & over hundreds of millions of years . Given enough time , the tightly packed stars will begin to collide .

  6. 天文学家们发现了六颗巨大的行星,不规则的轨道表明它们在其恒星系统内发生碰撞,吞没了所有挡住去路的较小行星。

    Astronomers have found six large planets whose off-kilter orbits suggest that they crashed through their solar systems , swallowing any smaller planets that got in their way .