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  • star burst
  1. 本实验的目的是研究家兔视网膜方向选择性神经节细胞(DSGCs)的树突与星爆无长突细胞(SAs)树突之间的关系以及这种树突间的相互作用在方向选择性产生机制中的贡献。

    This study was aimed to examine the relationship between dendrites of direction-selective ( DS ) ganglion cell and processes of starburst amacrine cell in rabbit retina and to see how the dendritic interaction could contribute to the DS mechanism .

  2. 该项重组将是星爆式重组重新出现后最值得注意的案例。

    It would be the most notable example yet of the revival of starbursting .

  3. NGC7582是一个星爆星系吗?

    Is NGC 7582 a Starburst Galaxy ?

  4. “如果被兼并的星爆驱动,你希望是后者,”狄金森说。

    " If the starbursts were driven by mergers , you would expect the latter ," says Dickinson .

  5. 本文中我们利用盘不稳定模型和星爆模型的基本思想,模拟活动星系核在光学波段的光度和光谱斜率变化,并将模拟的结果和观测进行比较。

    In this paper , using disk-instability model and starburst model , the AGN optical variability and spectral slope variability are simulated and confronted with observations .

  6. 我提醒他们,地球是一艘星际飞船,我们只是匆匆过客,马奥尼先生说。观星活动结束后,马奥尼先生为大家分发星爆牌或银河牌糖果。

    I remind them that Earth is a starship , and we are just passing through , said Mr. Mahoney , who distributes Starburst or Milky Way candies after the show .

  7. 反击灵皮:该灵能皮肤对每轮最先对穿戴者攻击者自动展现“星爆”。

    Skin of fiery response : This psychoactive skin answers the first attack made against the wearer in each round with an automatically manifested and targeted " ectoburst " against the attacker .

  8. 该星爆在穿戴者的回合发射,使用穿戴者的远程攻击加值进行远程接触攻击,但是能量类型为火焰。

    The burst ejects from the skin on the wearer 's turn , making a ranged touch attack as described in the energy retort power , but the energy type chosen is always fire .