
  1. 随时随地你都能感觉到爱情的甜蜜。

    One can feel the sweetness of love at any time , and anywhere .

  2. 你对他的感觉没有爱情那么热烈,没有友情那么单纯。

    Your feelings about them without love then warm , without friendship so simple .

  3. 对实际上没有感觉的爱情,千万别去假装,因为爱情并非是我们能够掌控的东西。

    Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel , for love is not ours to command . ( Alan Watts )

  4. 她同时建议和你的伴侣做一些新鲜事,这样可能哄骗大脑在长期两性关系中依然能感觉到爱情的甜美。

    She also suggests it is possible to trick the brain into feeling romantic love in a long-term relationship by doing novel things with your partner .

  5. 因为在节奏和品味方面的良好感觉,在爱情中你通常能满足生理上的任何需求。

    Because of your good sense of timing and taste , you are usually able to get what you want physically in a love affair .

  6. 没有了初次见面的怦然心动,没有了恋爱的感觉,你的爱情不复存在?

    Love 's first fading ? Lost that loving feeling ? Love is not all around ?