
  • 网络sensorimotor area;sensorimotor cortex
  1. 方法:大鼠右侧脑室注射诺氟沙星150和300μg·kg~(-1)后,于皮层感觉运动区记录EEG并观察脑组织超微结构的变化。

    METHODS : EEG was recorded in the sensorimotor area of rat cortex after Nor 150 and 300 μ g · kg-1 were injected into the right ventricle of the brain .

  2. 观察其大脑皮质感觉运动区及海马CA3区神经元的突触变化。

    The Synaptic changes of neuron were observed in sensorimotor area of cortex and hippocampal CA3 area .

  3. 以300μg/kg环丙沙星注入大鼠右侧脑室后,于皮层感觉运动区记录皮层脑电图。

    Electrocorticogram ( ECOG ) were recorded in sensorimotor area of rat cortex after 300 μ g / kg ciprofloxacin ( CPLX ) injected into right ventricle of brain .

  4. 与此相应的是无论在海马CA3区还是皮层感觉运动区,突触穿孔出现频率在各组间虽无显著性差异(P>0.05),但都有增龄性下降的趋势。

    There were a trend of reduction in frequency of perforated synapses among the groups , though there were not a statistical difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 术后第15d,所有动物通过立体定向开颅,将10%BDA溶液注入右侧的感觉运动区皮质内。

    15 days after surgery , animals in both groups were placed in the stereotaxic frame . The craniotomy was performed on the right side of the skull . 10 % BDA was injected into the right sensorimotor cortex .

  6. 手术前后比较,术后手术侧感觉运动区皮质的18F-FDG分布减低(P<0.01),而基底节无明显变化(P>0.05)。

    There was a significant decrease of radioactive distribution in the sensorimotor area in TS after pallidotomy in contrast to preoperation ( P < 0.01 ), but there was no significant change between postoperation and preoperation in the basal ganglion ( P > 0.05 ) .

  7. 刺激兔皮层感觉运动区引起的膈神经放电效应

    Effects of cortical stimulation on phrenic discharges

  8. 术后10周,感觉运动区皮质注射10%BDA示踪剂。

    10 % BDA tracer was injected into the sensorimotor cortex 10 weeks after surgery .

  9. 用荧光金逆行标记法观察大脑感觉运动区和脑干红核的神经元神经纤维再生;

    The nerve fiber regeneration of neurons at sensorimotor area and rubrum nuclei in brain was observed with retrograde tracing of fluorogold ;

  10. 鼠大脑皮层感觉运动区及锥体外系参与中缝大核痛调制机制的分析

    The Analysis of the Mechanisms of Both the SM and the Extrapyramidal System Modulating the Nociceptive Responses of the Neurons in NRM

  11. 动物实验发现,非人灵长目动物的运动前区皮质、感觉运动区、额叶、顶叶、颞叶岛盖、眶额皮质和扣带回皮质与吞咽功能相关。

    Animal experiments have found that the non-human primates , premotor cortex , sensorimotor area , frontal , parietal and temple operculum , orbitofrontal cortex and cingulate cortex are associated with swallowing function .

  12. DK只投向感觉运动皮质的前肢区,而不投向后肢区和面区。

    However , DK projects fibres only to the forelimb area of the sensory and motor areas , and not to the hindlimb and facial areas .

  13. 口内冷水感觉信息到达双侧大脑,感觉运动区为对侧激活。

    The sensory and motor projection of intra-oral cold sensation reached contralateral hemispheres .