
  • 网络emotional design;kansei design
  1. 相应的,产品设计也向以用户体验为目标的感性设计方向发展。

    Accordingly , product design is developing into Kansei Design which aims at user experience .

  2. 感性设计最初是为了迎合逐渐产生的感性消费,基于商业考虑被动地进行相关设计;后来随着理论研究的不断深入,发展到有计划有意识地用感性设计开拓市场。

    At first Kansei Design is cater to the perception of expending and carry on the related design passively for profit . Then companies plan to develop the market gradually with Kansei Design .

  3. 在实例部分,用手机的感性设计过程进行说明。

    A case study of cell phone design was conducted .

  4. 感性设计理论就是在这样一种背景下形成并发展起来的。

    The theory of emotional design is formed and developed in such a background .

  5. 产品可用性研究具有较强的理论意义,能够形成一种规律,建立科学的模型,为不可名状的感性设计思维提供理性的支持,我们的工作始终是为设计服务的。

    But , we also believe usability research could be a rational theory supporting emotional design .

  6. 通过长期的摸索与较高的设计水平,日本与西方依靠各自的文化特征分别建立了自成体系的感性设计方法。

    Japan and America established their own perceptual design system after long-term development , depending upon their cultural characteristic and design level .

  7. 运用感性设计、感性商标、感性包装、感性价格、感性广告、感性销售等策略来实现目标。

    To realize their aims , they should adopt such perceptual strategies as design , trademark , package , price , advertisement and marketing , etc.

  8. 体验经济时代的到来也促使家电设计进入以感性设计为主导的阶段。

    The arrival of the era of experience economy also causes the home appliance design into a design for the leading stage of Kansei design .

  9. 围绕日益增长的情感及体验需求,出现了情感化设计、感性设计、体验设计等新的设计理念,关注产品带给人们的情感体验已成为当代产品设计的一个重要方向。

    Focus on the growing demands of emotion and experience , the design concept have turned up , such as emotional design , perceptual design and experience design .

  10. 我们的主要方法是倾向于场地原貌的独立及感性设计程序,从第一张草图到最终的详细设计成品无不反映出这样的过程。

    Our main approach is an individual and sensitive design process towards the origin of place , which is reflected from the first sketch to the detailed end product .

  11. 这座花园占地2.5英亩,在现有基础上增加了一些感性设计,种植植物,结构,人行道,并开阔了儿童自然世界。

    The2.5-acre master plan utilizes existing site features and enhances them with site-sensitive plantings , structures , walkways , and play spaces that expose children to the natural world .

  12. 随着当今社会、文化、经济的极大发展和产品市场化程度的飞速提高,以用户为中心的感性设计研究越来越受到设计界的重视。

    With the rapid development of the society , culture , economy and more market-oriented of the product , the synthesis of User-centered design has been focused on by more and more researchers .

  13. 通过本课题对民用玄关空间的家具设计与研究,可以知道,民用玄关家具的设计是在理性的调查研究、资料搜集、整理分析的指导下完成的感性设计活动过程。

    Through the thesis of Civil Residential Porch Furniture Design and Research , We can know that the design of civil porch furniture is a perceptual process under the guidance of rational research 、 data collection analysis .

  14. 通过英国西蒙·鲍威尔、FITCH等工业设计的著名公司设计观念变革与设计实践成果的阐述,引深思考现代设计中的观念变革、团队合作精神、产品的感性化设计的作用。

    This paper states the innovation of the design concepts and the achievement of the design practices in the famous industrial design companies such as Seymour Powell Ltd and FITCH etc.

  15. 谈服饰的感性化设计

    On perceptual design of clothes and ornaments

  16. 用感性的设计细节,将空间中的平凡转化为生动的精彩瞬间,用美丽的花卉装点优雅的环境。

    Some vivid details , like the neatly arranged bouquets , may add life and elegance to a dull setting .

  17. 服饰的感性化设计是设计师与消费者进行对话沟通的重要工具,它有助于增加服饰产品的亲和性和生命力,大大提高其附加值。

    The perceptual design of clothes and ornaments is an important tool that designers link up the consumers , it can increase the intimacy and vitality of clothes and ornaments and promote large extra value of them .

  18. 变感性创作式设计为理性推导式设计。

    Variable creative sensibility derived design to rational design .

  19. 利用感性工学原理设计产品造型

    Design product forming by the principle of kansei engineering

  20. 产品造型设计中理性与感性结合的设计方法研究

    Study on the Combination of Rational and Sensible Design Methods in Product Form Design

  21. 以感性的制鞋设计,合理的价格和手工制作的价值完成舒适的穿着感。

    Reasonable price and high quality hand-made with emotional design show very comfortable shoes .

  22. 感性工学辅助设计系统中可扩展分析方法的实现

    Realization of Extendable Analysis Method in the Computer Aided Design System Based on Kansei Engineering

  23. 提出将感性因素通过设计主体转化为产品形态的设计方法&意象转化的设计方法,使设计过程明了化。

    Image transforming design method is proposed by means of using real cases to analyze .

  24. 基于创意感性的工业设计方法在数字装备设计中的应用研究

    Application Research of Originality-Sensibility Based Technique of Product Development in the Design of Numeric Control Equipment

  25. 论感性消费及设计战略

    Emotion Consumption and Design Strategy

  26. 对于设计师来说,对设计师提出了新的要求,要求设计师更多地从感性方面进行设计,考虑消费者的感性需求。

    As to the designers , it has brought forward the new request that the designers carry out the design more from perceptual aspect .

  27. 以此为契机,感性工学作为设计和工程学领域的重要研究成果在日本诞生,并在大量的设计研发过程中发挥了重要的作用。

    At this turning point , Kansei Engineering is born in Japan as the research results and plays an important role in the development of products .

  28. 经验,专业知识以及创建容光焕发,化妆,持续发光,与感性的头发设计方案,这是最新的和美丽的激情。

    Experience , expertise and a passion for creating radiant , glowing makeup that lasts , and sensational hair designs which are up to date and beautiful .

  29. 但是仿生设计是一种比较感性思维的设计方法,在语义的认知方面具有一定的模糊性和多义性。

    Bionic design is a perceptual design method from the emotional design combined with cognitive psychology theory . It has a certain vagueness and ambiguity in cognitive semantics .

  30. 首先,提出了一种基于DSP(TMS320F2812)的感性移相PWM&PFM的设计方案。

    First , based on DSP a design scheme of perceptual phase-shifting PWM & PFM was proposed .