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lèng zhù
  • Froze;dumbfound;become speechless because of astonishment, an unexpected question, etc;be taken aback
愣住 [lèng zhù]
  • [dumbfound] 通常表示较强烈的状态,达到心理上的木然或惊讶

  • 显然让这种疯狂的攻击给愣住了,以致不能进行真正的干预

愣住[lèng zhù]
  1. 一个可怕的念头闪过,我一下子愣住了。

    I was brought up short by a terrible thought .

  2. 如果你说你是女权主义者,好多人都会愣住。

    A lot of people 's eyes glaze over if you say you are a feminist .

  3. 她盯着自己流血的双手,呆呆地愣住了。

    She stared at her own bloodied hands , unable to think or move .

  4. 他提的问题让他的两个伙伴都愣住了。

    His question took his two companions by surprise

  5. 可是当我发现他们早已认识真是把我给愣住了。

    But I was stunned to see that they knew each .

  6. 男孩站在那儿,拖着狮子的前爪愣住了。

    The Boy stood holding the lion 's paw in amazement .

  7. 他一看里面是空的,这才愣住了。

    It was empty and he looked at it in forlorn bewilderment .

  8. 四岁的孩子笑了笑,然后继续做他的小碗。夫妻二人愣住了。

    The four-year-old son smiled and went back to work .

  9. 他的话我听后一下子愣住了。

    His remark brought me up short with a jerk .

  10. 所以,当老师叫我名字的时候,我真是愣住了。

    So when the teacher called my name , I was frozen .

  11. 突然一声可怕的喊叫吓得他愣住了。

    A sudden terrible cry froze him to the spot .

  12. 在向自己提出那个问题之后,他愣住了。

    After putting this question to himself , he paused ;

  13. 见到他的美,你准会愣住!

    Seeing his beauty , thou shouldst strike at it !

  14. 他抬头看见了她,不由得愣住了。

    He looked up and saw her , froze for a moment .

  15. 我问她有没有男朋友的时候,她愣住了。是啊!

    And when I asked her the boyfriend question , she froze .

  16. 脚步声愣住了,我也什么都听不到了。

    The footsteps stopped , and I could hear nothing at all .

  17. 菲和帕迪从他们房间里走出来时,男孩们看得都愣住了。

    When fee and paddy emerged from their room , the boys gaped .

  18. 我听了,我试了,我愣住了。

    I listened , I tried , I froze .

  19. 我当时就感到很震惊,愣住了。

    I was shocked so much that I froze .

  20. 发现他们已经离去,她愣住了。

    She was bewildered to find them gone .

  21. 他不禁吓住了、愣住了、瘫痪了。

    He was stultified , shocked , paralyzed .

  22. 我愣住了。

    As I swung around , I froze .

  23. 我们震惊了我们愣住了

    We were stunned . We were frozen .

  24. 哈利愣住了,大家都看着他。

    Harry stared at them all watching him .

  25. 他瞪着我,愣住了。

    He stared at me , thunderstruck .

  26. 查理站在行李堆中愣住了。

    Charles stood against amid his trunks .

  27. 小马愣住了,不知该听谁的,它只好回家问问妈妈。

    Not knowing what to do , the colt went home to consult his mom .

  28. 我停在门廊里,愣住了。

    I stopped dead on the porch .

  29. 只看了一眼,他的脸色便由红转绿,比交通指示灯变得还快。他愣住了。

    His face went from red to green faster than a set of traffic lights .

  30. 他自己也愣住了这个情况是我们都始料未及的

    And he was wondering himself ! Because this was a big surprise to us .