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yáo huang
  • shake;rock;sway;wobble;roll;wave;jolt;stagger;quake;totter;falter
摇晃 [yáo huàng]
  • [rock;sway;totter;wave] 摇摆,晃动

  • 她担忧地摇晃着脑袋

  • 使小划艇摇晃得倾覆了

摇晃[yáo huang]
  1. 不要摇晃小船,否则它会翻的。

    Don 't rock the boat or it will capsize !

  2. 结果认为,机翼摇晃是一种非线性系统的Hopf分支现象。

    The results show that , wing rock is a Hopf bifurcation phenomenon of nonlinear dynamic system .

  3. 他抱着孩子轻轻摇晃。

    He rocked the baby gently in his arms .

  4. 他显然心烦意乱,开起车来摇晃不定。

    He was obviously upset and was driving erratically .

  5. 她坐在摇椅上前后摇晃着。

    She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair .

  6. 船左右摇晃。

    The ship rolled from side to side .

  7. 树在风中摇晃。

    The trees were swaying in the wind .

  8. 他感觉天旋地转,摇晃起来。

    His head swam and he swayed dizzily .

  9. 他醉醺醺地摇晃着站起来。

    He staggered drunkenly to his feet .

  10. 这车把松动摇晃了。

    The handlebars developed a wobble .

  11. 维基摇晃着倒下了。

    Vicky swayed and fell .

  12. 他走起来有点儿摇晃,一定是喝多了。

    He was reeling a little . He must be very drunk

  13. 他的身体随着火车左右摇晃。

    His body rocked from side to side with the train

  14. 船不时会猛烈摇晃一下,而且越来越频繁。

    More and more frequently the vessel lurched into a sudden roll .

  15. 一辆火车疾驰而过,排屋的墙都摇晃起来。

    A train rocketed by , shaking the walls of the row houses

  16. 她坐在门廊上,摇晃着孩子。

    She sat on the porch and rocked the baby .

  17. 两名男子在船桥甲板上扶着一架梯子不让它摇晃。

    Two men were on the bridge-deck , steadying a ladder

  18. 汽车剧烈地摇晃着、颤动着,就像要爆炸似的。

    The car was juddering and vibrating as if it would explode .

  19. 她当着他的面嘲弄地摇晃着手指。

    She wagged a finger under his nose in a taunting gesture .

  20. 她正握着瓶颈摇晃一瓶葡萄酒。

    She was swinging a bottle of wine by its neck

  21. 她像个顽皮的孩子似的,坐在椅子上来回摇晃。

    She rocks back and forth on her chair like a mischievous child

  22. 灌木丛和树木在风中摇晃。

    The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind .

  23. 这些木头在吱吱嘎嘎作响,木地板有些摇晃。

    The timbers groan and creak and the floorboards shift .

  24. 他爬进来的时候,那件易碎的工艺品摇晃起来。

    The frail craft rocked as he clambered in .

  25. 轻轻摇晃他看他是否有反应。

    Shake him gently to see if he responds .

  26. 科利特抓住她的双肩,摇晃着她。

    Colette took her by the shoulders and shook her

  27. 他站了一会儿,踮着脚跟前后摇晃。

    He stood a few moments , rocking back and forwards on his heels

  28. 我能清楚地看到他左右摇晃着脑袋。

    I could plainly see him turning his head to the right and left

  29. 我甚至见过她在扎拉淘气的时候使劲摇晃她。

    I 've even seen her shake Zara when she 's been naughty .

  30. 地面摇晃,周围房屋的墙体在他们身边倒塌。

    The earth shook and the walls of neighbouring houses fell around them .