
yáo wén
  • chironomid;midge
  1. 低pH值、高藻类含量有助于提高液氯对摇蚊幼虫的毒性效果;

    Low pH value and high algae content are helpful to improve the toxic effect of liquid chlorine to Chironomid larvae .

  2. 生产原水和沉淀池水的对比试验表明:在不同投加量下,原水中4龄摇蚊幼虫接触24h死亡率均高于沉淀池水中摇蚊幼虫死亡率。

    The death rate of the 4th instar larvae of Chironomid in raw water is higher by contrast with that in sedimentation tanks water for 24h disposal with various amount of liquid chlorine .

  3. 自来水厂中摇蚊rDNA系统学分析

    Analysis on Molecular Systematics of Chironomus rDNA in Water Treatment Plants

  4. 但在中度污染的2、3号氧化塘中,摇蚊复合组幼虫GPD位点呈现明显多态现象。

    In the middle polluted 2 # , 3 # pond , the GPD locus of the larvae of Chironomus complex demonstrated polymorphisms .

  5. 水源水中摇蚊幼虫的孳生与生态控制

    Excessive propagation and ecological control of chironomus larva in raw water

  6. 关于水处理工艺中摇蚊幼虫杀灭方法的探讨

    Discussion on Inactivation Methods of Chironomus Larva in Water Treatment Process

  7. 水环境中摇蚊幼虫微生物防治研究

    Study on Control of Chironomidae Larvae in Water Environment with Microbe

  8. 水体中摇蚊幼虫的孳生规律及其控制途径

    The reproduction rule and control of chironomus larva in water bodies

  9. 臭氧-活性炭工艺去除饮用水中摇蚊幼虫的运行参数

    Operation parameter of O_3-GAC process removing Chironomid larvae from drinking water

  10. 二氧化氯对水源水中摇蚊幼虫灭活效果的研究

    Effects of chlorine dioxide on the inactivation of the chironomid larvae

  11. 臭氧对水中摇蚊幼虫氧化灭活效能试验

    Experimental study on the inactivation effects of chironomid larvae by ozone

  12. 供水系统摇蚊污染特征的调查和分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Chironomid Pollution Characteristics in City Water Supply System

  13. 摇蚊幼虫在数量和生物量上均占绝对优势,是南海子的优势种。

    Chironomidae larvae were dominant species in density and biomass .

  14. 丙烯腈、乙腈和硫氰酸钠对摇蚊幼虫的急性毒性

    Acute Toxicity of Acrylonitrile , Acetonitrile and Sodium Rhodanide to Chironomus SP

  15. 液氯对摇蚊幼虫的毒效试验及影响因素

    Toxicity and Influencing Factors of Liquid Chlorine on Chironomid Larvae

  16. 饮用水处理工艺中摇蚊幼虫污染防治技术的研究进展

    A review on prevention of Chironomus larva Pollution in water treatment process

  17. 二氧化氯预氧化工艺去除饮用水原水中摇蚊幼虫的试验

    Study on Removing Chironomid Larvae from Raw Water Using Chlorine Dioxide Pre-oxidation Process

  18. 几种甲萘醌化合物对摇蚊幼虫的杀生研究

    Study on Inactivation of Chironomid Larvae by Menadione Compounds

  19. 摇蚊实验室饲养技术研究

    A study on rearing technique of chironomids in lab

  20. 摇蚊幼虫的水生态毒理学研究进展

    ^ advance in the ecotoxicology study about chironomid larva

  21. 几种常见氧化剂对水中摇蚊幼虫氧化杀灭效能的试验研究

    Experimental study on the inactivation effects of alternative oxidants on the Chironomid larvae

  22. 饮用水中摇蚊幼虫生长习性与灭活实验研究

    Growth habits , characteristics and killing experiment of chironomid larvae in drinking water

  23. 城市供水系统摇蚊污染发生与防治研究

    Advances in the studies on infesting and controlling chironomids in municipal water system

  24. 苏云金杆菌以色列变种防治水处理中摇蚊幼虫研究

    Control of Chironomidae Larvae in Water Treatment by Bacillus Thuringiensis var. israelensis de Barjac

  25. 二氧化氯灭活供水系统中摇蚊幼虫的实验研究

    Inactivation effect on Chironomid larvae by chlorine dioxide

  26. 桂林会仙湿地沉积物摇蚊种群特征与环境变化

    Characteristics of Chironomidae Assemblages and Environmental Change of Huixian Wetland in Guilin , China

  27. 给水处理过程中摇蚊幼虫的氧化杀灭与去除

    Study of killing and removal on chironomid larvae with oxidants in water treatment system

  28. 摇蚊幼虫对底泥中氮、磷释放作用的研究

    Influence of chironomid larvae on nitrogen and phosphorous release from sediment to overlying water

  29. 臭氧对摇蚊幼虫表皮和肌肉细胞超微结构的影响

    Effect of ozone on the ultrastructures of cuticle and muscle cells in chironomid larvae

  30. 摇蚊幼虫对淡水珍珠蚌的危害和防治

    Damage by the larva of Chironomidae to fresh water pearl-producing shellfish and its control