
  • 网络Chronic anal fissure
  1. 目的:探讨慢性肛裂有效治疗方案。

    Objective : To investigate more-effective treatment plan of chronic anal fissure .

  2. 纵切横缝术与改良纵切横缝术治疗慢性肛裂的临床对比研究

    Clinical Contrast Study on Improved Longitudinally Section Transverse Suture Operation and Conventional Longitudinally Section Transverse Suture Operation for Chronic Anal Fissure

  3. 针挑、钳夹CO2激光炭化法治疗慢性肛裂60例

    Treatment of 60 Cases of Chronic Fissure in Anus with Couching , Clamping and CO_2 Laser

  4. 此后,BTA在消化道痉挛性疾病中的应用成为热点,用于治疗Oddis括约肌功能失调、出口梗阻型便秘、肛门痉挛、慢性肛裂等疾病,疗效显著。

    After that , the use of BTA for various gastrointestinal diseases has been focused , including sphincter of oddi dysfunction 、 outlet obstructive constipation 、 anismus 、 chronic anal fissure , and the results were remarkable .

  5. 肛门内括约肌侧切术对慢性肛裂患者生活质量的影响

    Results of lateral internal sphincterotomy for chronic anal fissure with particular reference to quality of life

  6. 目的:观察定位扩切术治疗慢性肛裂的临床效果。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effect of location expanding excision in treating the patients with chronic anal fissure .

  7. 二种术式加中药坐浴治疗慢性肛裂170例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 170 Cases of Chronic Anal Cleft by Two Kinds of Operation Together With Local Bathing With Chinese Herbs

  8. 目的为了克服侧位内括约肌切断术治疗慢性肛裂后发生不同程度肛门失禁的缺点,探讨亚甲蓝注射加肛窦切开引流术对肛裂的疗效。

    Objective For the purpose of overcoming anal continence with different severity caused by the lateral division of internal sphincter for chronic anal fissure , we studied the treatment effect of injection with methylene blue plus incision drainage operation of anal sinus .