
xì jù yǎn yuán
  • theatrical;dramatic performer;trouper
  1. 她是一个非常了不起的戏剧演员。

    She 's a very great dramatic actress .

  2. 这个演员被认为是个勇敢的戏剧演员

    The actor was considered as a mettlesome dramatic performer .

  3. Cumberbatch和Hunter在2015年情人节当天结婚,Hunter是戏剧演员和导演。

    Cumberbatch and Hunter , who is an actress and theater director , were married on Valentine 's Day 2015 in England .

  4. 支持独立的戏剧演员大卫·格里格(DavidGreig)这样评价鲍伊主张统一的呼吁:“奇怪的是,我很高兴他注意到我们,”格里格在接受《卫报》(TheGuardian)采访时说。

    As the pro-independence dramatist David Greig put it after Mr. Bowie 's unionist plea : " The weird thing is , I 'm feeling giddy that he noticed us , " Mr. Greig told The Guardian .

  5. 搅和与窃笑成为那个戏剧演员的标志。

    The shuffle and snicker become the comedian ´ s trademark .

  6. 她想训练自己做戏剧演员,但她的父母不赞成。

    She wants to train for the theatre but her parents disapprove .

  7. 她把托尼霍普金斯描述成继奥利维尔之后英国最伟大的戏剧演员。

    She describes Tony Hopkins as the greatest British Thespian since olivier .

  8. 顶尖级戏剧演员代理人正纷纷把目光投向那个十多岁的孩子。

    Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager 's door .

  9. 她正在参加学校戏剧演员甄选。

    She 's trying out for the school play .

  10. 在台上,一位滑稽说笑的戏剧演员正粗劣地模仿布什总统。

    On the stage , a stand-up comedian is performing a coarse imitation of President Bush .

  11. 还有最新增添的戏剧演员和导演卓别林的雕像。

    John : The most recent addition is a statue of film star and director Charlie Chaplin .

  12. 后来他成为一个戏剧演员,又在一个游轮旅游公司工作过。

    He went on to become a theater actor and then worked for a tour and cruise company .

  13. 在年轻时代,詹姆斯·蒂龙被视为演艺界最有希望的莎士比亚戏剧演员。

    In his youth , James Tyrone was hailed as the most promising Shakespearean actor in the theatrical circle .

  14. 相反,它们是戏剧演员威尔斯训练了多年,组装和他的合作伙伴和导师,约翰豪斯曼。

    Rather , they were theatrically trained actors Welles had assembled many years before with his partner and mentor , John Houseman .

  15. 几十年来,亚裔美国戏剧演员在缓慢地向舞台中央靠近,如今他们得到了过去在纽约极少能享受的东西:需求。

    After decades of inching toward center stage , Asian-American theater actors are facing something that they 've rarely enjoyed in New York : demand .

  16. 面具古希腊和罗马的戏剧演员佩戴的人物面具或头部面具,用以标明戏中人物性格或品质,同时扩大声音。

    A figure of a head worn by actors in Greek and Roman drama to identify a character or trait and to amplify the voice .

  17. 许多粉丝们刚听到这个消息时十分激动——康伯巴奇是一位极赋技巧的配音演员,并且也是一位才华横溢的戏剧演员。

    Many fans were thrilled upon hearing the news - Cumberbatch is an extremely skilled voice actor , and a talented dramatic actor as well .

  18. 拉贾戈帕的事业是从戏剧演员开始的,然后又成了电视制片人,他是新加坡电影的开创者之一。

    Starting his career as a theatre actor and then TV presenter , K RAJAGOPAL is one of the pioneers of the Singapore filmmaking scene .

  19. 同样一段关于“切胡萝卜”的段落,用一成不变的音调读出来听上去百无聊赖,而让一个莎士比亚戏剧演员朗诵出来就能引人入胜。

    the same paragraph on chopped carrots might sound boring in a monotone speaker 's voice but * riveting when recited by a Shakespearean actor . *

  20. 庙会上,来自湖南张家界的戏剧演员们为长沙的观众带来了充满浓郁湘西风情的地方戏剧。

    The theater performers from Zhangjiajie of Hunan not only bring Xiangxi-flavored performances but also the red money packets enveloped in red paper to the audience , arousing a sensation .

  21. 然而,荒诞推理只是确定了一种思想的方式,在具体生活上,加缪又通过唐璜、戏剧演员、征服者等鲜明的人物形象来说明荒诞的人的生活。

    However , the Absurd Reasoning just made a way of thought , in real life , Camus uses colorful characters like Don Juan , drama , conquest to illustrate the absurdity of life .

  22. 台湾戏剧演员陈竹升击败香港明星梁家辉和台湾美籍演员李安的儿子梅森李获得最佳男配角,他在《阿莉芙》中饰演变性人酒吧老板。

    Taiwan theatre actor Bamboo Chen defeated Hong Kong star Tony Leung Ka-fai and Taiwanese-American actor Mason Lee , son of Ang Lee , to win best supporting actor for playing a transgender bar owner in " Alifu , the Prince / ss . "

  23. 他不仅是传奇的好莱坞王朝的领军人物(他是德鲁的祖父),是他那个时代最著名的戏剧演员之一,也是有声电影出现的第一个十年中的著名影星。巴里摩尔因酗酒而英年早逝。

    Not just the head of a legendary Hollywood dynasty ( he 's Drew 's grandfather ) and one of the most important theatre actors of his day , but a major film star throughout the sound era and for the first decade of talkies , Barrymore drank too much and died too young .

  24. 受到贬抑的戏剧、演员

    An underrated play , actor

  25. 犯罪者并不仅是这个戏剧的演员,因为错误移转给所有的人类。

    Criminals are not the only actors in this drama , since the fault devolves on all humans .

  26. 此外,公园还将推出最新的戏剧活动,演员李·斯泰森(LeeStetson)饰演国家公园之父约翰·缪尔(JohnMuir),在约塞米蒂剧场内现场回答观众关于这个公园及其历史的问题。

    Even John Muir , known as the father of the national parks , is being revived by the actor Lee Stetson , who will answer audience questions about the park and its history at the Yosemite Theater as part of the park 's new theatrical programming .

  27. 戏剧,是演员当众表演的一门综合的舞台艺术。

    Drama actors perform in public , is a comprehensive stage art .

  28. 朱丽从11岁开始在著名的李·斯特斯伯格戏剧协会接受演员训练。

    Jolie began training as an actress at the prestigious Lee Strasberg Theater Institute at the age of eleven .

  29. 大卫和我的相识,是因为他在根据我的短篇小说改编的戏剧中担任演员。

    David and I met because he was performing in a play based on short stories I 'd written .

  30. 出演这部戏剧的所有演员都是士兵,在巡回演出中表演(如一戏剧)

    All of the performers in the show were soldiers . To present ( a play , for example ) on a tour .