
xì qǔ piàn
  • a screen adaptation of a traditional or local opera
  1. 广义包括方言剧情片和地方戏曲片两类。

    A broad sense including " dialect drama " and " local opera film " categories .

  2. 从舞台到银幕&十七年戏曲艺术片对三大矛盾的处理

    From Stage to Screen & Dealing Three Principle Contradictions

  3. 无论从电影类型学的角度还是民族电影独立性的角度,戏曲艺术片对于中国电影都具有非常重大的意义。

    The dramatic movie is of great importance to China movie seen from the angles of both genre and the national movie .

  4. 她主演的《潘必正和陈妙常》获全国电视戏曲艺术片奖。

    She acted the leading role in Pan Bi-zheng and Chen Miao-chang , the play won National Art Telefilm Prize of Traditional Opera .

  5. 摄制组此行的目的是拍摄一部关于中国戏曲的电视片。

    The purpose of this film crew 's travel is to produce a television program about Chinese opera .