
  • 网络History of Traditional Chinese Opera;history of drama
  1. 在这些学术背景下,弋阳诸腔在戏曲史中的地位与价值也愈发突显。

    In such learning background , Yi yang tune-patterns plays more and more important role in the history of drama .

  2. 而以戏曲史的角度来看,弋阳诸腔也处于明代戏曲创作、演出与欣赏的主体地位。

    In the point of view in the history of drama , Yi yang tune-patterns is still the principal part in drama creation , performance and appreciation in Ming .

  3. 元代是我国戏曲史上的黄金时代。

    Yuan Dynasty is the golden age in our opera history .

  4. 叶沈家族的累世联姻则造就了中国戏曲史上第一位女戏曲家叶小纨。

    Ye Xiao-wan was the first woman writer in Chinese operas history .

  5. 百年来传奇戏曲史研究论略

    Discourse upon the Research in the History of Chuanqi

  6. 《牡丹亭》是中国戏曲史上的杰作,具有卓越的思想艺术成就。

    The peony pavilion is an outstanding work in Chinese opera drama history .

  7. 元杂剧公案戏在中国戏曲史上占有重要的地位。

    Yuan detective drama in China occupies an important position in the history of opera .

  8. 在中国戏曲史上,花、雅是一对重要命题。

    The proposition of attractiveness and grace is important in the history of Chinese opera .

  9. 在中国戏曲史上,杂剧是最早出现的艺术样式之一。

    In the history of Chinese drama , Zaju is one of the earliest artistic styles .

  10. 戏曲史上的花、雅问题述评

    A Review of the Issue of Hua and Ya in the History of Traditional Chinese Operas

  11. 在中国戏曲史上,不同朝代有不同的演出体制。

    In the Chinese history of traditional opera there are different performing systems in different dynasties .

  12. 东北京剧史略(上)&东北戏曲史专题研究之四

    Brief History of Beijing Opera of the Northeast - the Subject Studies about the History of Northeastern Drama

  13. 中国近代戏曲史的一个重大转变,就是女伶再度出现在舞台上。

    The return on stage of actresses has been a major changed in the history of modern Chinese drama .

  14. 从《宋元戏曲史》看王国维的研究方法

    From the " History of the Song and Yuan Opera " A New Look of Wang Guowei 's Research Method

  15. 但是它在戏曲史上划下了浓重的一笔,为戏曲的发展作出了巨大的贡献。

    However , it left a heavy mark in the opera history , and made the tremendous contribution to opera development .

  16. 在中国古代戏曲史上,清初是传奇的繁盛期[1],也是清代杂剧的全盛期[2]。

    In the history of Chinese traditional drama , forepart of Qing dynasty is the bloom period of legend and drama .

  17. 《长生殿》与《桃花扇》是中国戏曲史上语言成就卓著的双璧。

    Eternal Youth Palace and Peach Blossom Fan are " two Jades " in Chinese opera history which have outstanding achievements in language .

  18. 关汉卿的杂剧创作因其内容丰富、数量众多、体制完备而在我国戏曲史上占有重要的地位。

    Guan Hanqing s dramas play an important role in Chinese drama history because of their rich contents , large quantity and perfect style .

  19. 这对中国京剧、中国戏曲史乃至中国文学史的深化发展,都提供了新的资料和线索。

    This offers new means and clues to the further development of Peking Opera history , traditional opera , even Chinese literary history as well .

  20. 而《宋元戏曲史》一书则是王国维运用历史考证法与文学批评相结合的成功之作。

    And his work , history of dramas from song to yuan dynasty is a succeed practice that combined textual research of history to literature .

  21. 特别是在宋元戏曲史的基础研究上,主要运用的是西方实证主义和传统的经学即乾嘉朴学的方法;

    Especially , his History of Song and Yuan Drama , was a product of combination the methods of west positivism and Chinese classic hermeneutics .

  22. 在中国戏曲史中,戏曲文学史与戏曲演出史是两个密不可分的部分。

    In the history of traditional Chinese operas , the literary history of traditional operas and the performing history of traditional operas are too inseparable parts .

  23. 在中国文学史和中国戏曲史的研究领域中,长期以来忽略了京剧文学的存在,这与京剧作为国剧的地位很不相称。

    Over a long period of time , the literature of Peking Opera is totally neglected in the research of Chinese literary history and traditional opera history .

  24. 自然与意境:中国文学研究现代化的早期思路&以王国维《宋元戏曲史》为例

    " Nature " and " Artistic Conception ": The Early Thoughts on the Research of Chinese Literature Modernization & On Wang Guowei 's Song and Yuan Dynasty Opera History

  25. 然而,由于受其政治立场的影响,在绝大多数文学史的戏剧部分和戏曲史的专著中,余治很少被提及。

    However , in the most monograph of the history of Chinese literature and traditional opera , Yu Zhi had almost no literary footing because of his especial political position .

  26. 而民间性的缺失,正是昆曲衰落的原因,这就确证了唐英在戏曲史上的地位。

    The decline of Kun Opera right results from the lacking of such folk characteristics , which confirms the role of Tang Ying played in the history of Chinese opera .

  27. 正因为《牡丹亭》中的情有着丰富的意蕴,它才能超越以前的言情题材剧作,在戏曲史上划上浓重的一笔。

    Just because the multiple meanings of the " passion " in the Peony Pavilion , it exceeds most of the former love operas and engraves a strong stroke in Chinese opera history .

  28. 认真回顾并总结这些前人的研究成果,对于戏曲史和戏曲理论史研究的全方位、多层次的展开具有十分重要的实际意义和借鉴作用。

    It is of great importance to review and summarize the research of the past so as to comprehensively study the history of the traditional Chinese drama and the history of its theories .

  29. 在中国古代文学史、戏曲史上,很少有清初戏曲家李渔这样复杂而毁誉天壤的人物。

    In the history of Chinese ancient literary and drama , few could compare with Li Yu , the dramatist of the early Qing dynasty for his complicated personality and the distinct appraises given .

  30. 一帧1907年拍摄、1927年公开发表的梅兰芳照片,由于它的重要性,在20世纪多种戏曲史和人物传记中,被反复使用。

    A photo of Mei Lan-fang taken in 1907 and issued in 1927 has , because of its importance , been used repeatedly in many versions of the 20th century drama history and biographies .