
  1. 去年电影市场的一个亮点是,共有七部高质量的国产影片在票房前10名的榜单中。其中就包括真人与动画结合的《捉妖记》、以及基于经典古代故事的3D动画电影《大圣归来》。

    One highlight of last year 's box office was seven high-quality domestic films listed on the top 10 earners , including ' Monster Hunt ' , a live-action hybrid , and ' Monkey King : Hero is Back ' , a 3D animation based on the classic ancient story .

  2. 《捉妖记》的制作人员并未回避表达他们对周星驰的祝贺。

    Monster Hunt 's producers did not shy away from conveying their congratulation to Stephen Chow .

  3. 魔幻题材的《捉妖记》适合全家一起观看。它创下了24亿元的票房新纪录。

    Monster Hunt , a family film in the fantasy genre , set a new box-office record at 2.4 billion yuan .

  4. 业内人士估计,《鬼吹灯之寻龙诀》将有望打破今年7月上映的位居内地票房榜首《捉妖记》的24.4亿元的票房纪录。

    Industry insiders estimate that it 's highly likely Mojin - The Lost Legend will break the 2.44 billion yuan total box-office record Monster Hunt set in July .

  5. 去年,《捉妖记》在近两个月的时间内收获了24.39亿人民币(折合3.74亿美元)。

    This distinction was previously held by Raman Hui 's Monster Hunt , which collected 2.439 billion Yuan ( $ 374 million ) in over two months last year .

  6. 江志强会担任此片的执行制片,此前他曾经完成过大片《卧虎藏龙》,《英雄》,《捉妖记》的制作,在业界很有影响力。

    Influential producer Bill Kong will act as executive producer , having previously worked on various hits , including Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon , Hero , and Monster Hunt .

  7. 业内人士透露,诸如《港囧》和《捉妖记》等少数卖座大片抬高了报告的票房。

    Industry sources said a few blockbuster Chinese films , such as Lost in Hong Kong and Monster Hunt , have been the subject of allegedly inflated reported box office sales .

  8. 截止至上周五傍晚,周星驰导演的奇幻喜剧电影《美人鱼》票房已达24.5亿人民币(折合3.756亿美元),创下中国电影票房史上最高纪录。最高票房纪录在此前由许诚毅执导的《捉妖记》所保持。

    Director Stephen Chow 's fantasy comedy movie Mermaid grossed 2.45 billion Yuan ( $ 375.6 million ) by Friday evening , making history as the highest-grossing film ever in Chinese box office history .

  9. 这部电影是以一个女人和癌症抗争的故事为主线的影片。而紧随其后的是国产影片《捉妖记》,也是国产票房最高的一部影片。该片将现实人物和动漫融于一体。

    The film , which features the story of a woman 's fight against cancer , was closely followed by domestic film " Monster Hunt , " the highest-grossing Chinese film of all time , which combines live action and animation .

  10. 据悉,在《捉妖记》上映43天之后,制片公司从29家影院购买了电影票,以供观众免费看电影。而该公司将其描述为一场公益活动。

    It 's been revealed that 43 days after ' Monster Hunt ' hit theatres , the production company bought tickets from 29 cinemas to show the movie to selective groups of audiences for free , which the company described as a public-welfare activity .