
  • 网络membership;Membership Right;member rights
  1. 论建筑物区分所有权中的成员权&兼评《中国物权法草案建议稿》中的相关内容

    Membership Right in Condominium On the Progressiveness of the CPC Membership

  2. 论建筑物区分所有权之成员权的行使

    Research on the Execution of the Membership Right of Distinguish Ownership of Building

  3. 农村土地承包经营权设立研究&基于集体土地成员权的视角分析

    A Study on Establishment of Right to Contracted Management of Land

  4. 所有的成员权最多拥有一个主要成员。

    All memberships will have , at most , one primary member .

  5. 建筑物区分所有权人的成员权是建筑物区分所有权制度的一项重要内容。

    The membership right is one of important contents of divisional ownership of building system .

  6. 同时着重分析了成员权中表决权利的立法现状,并提出建议。

    Also analyzes the voting rights of members of the legislative power in the situation and make recommendations .

  7. 该部分分析各成员权管理团体的法律性质,梳理各个管理团体之间的法律关系,并对现实中存在的法律困境提出了合理的解决途径。

    This part analyzes the legal nature of management organization , and clarifies the legal relations among those organization .

  8. 表决权是区分所有权人最重要的一项成员权。

    The voting power is one of the most important memberships owned by the owner of the apartment building .

  9. 成员权是一种综合权利,包括非经济性共益权与经济性自益权。

    Member right is a kind of comprehensive right , including the non-economic benefit right and economic individual benefit right .

  10. 异产毗连法律关系的主体拥有区分所有权、共有权、相邻权和成员权。

    The subjects of the adjoined property legal relations possess the partitive ownership , common ownership , neighboring right and membership .

  11. 在业主团体法人中,业主基于业主资格享有的权利才是真正意义上的业主成员权。

    Owners group legal rights of owners of property owners eligible for the real owners on the significance of members ' rights .

  12. 成员权的行使,体现为全体区分所有权人通过管理团体对区分所有建筑物进行的自治管理。

    The exertion of the membership is embodied by the self-governing of all the owners of the apartment building through a managing group .

  13. 个体法意义上的建筑物区分所有权关系无法产生团体法意义上的业主成员权。

    Condominium ownership in the sense of individual law can not produce membership right of the condominium in the sense of group law .

  14. 村庄成员权在保护本土村民利益特别是维护村庄共同体的存在方面发挥着重要作用。

    Village members ' rights play an important role in protecting their own interests , especially maintaining the existence of the village community .

  15. 建筑物区分所有权人对专有部分享有所有权,并在此基础上行使共有权和成员权。

    Buildings differentiating ownership enjoy ownership of proprietary parts , and on the basis of this to exercise mutual rights and member rights .

  16. 本文沿袭国内部分学者的观点,认为应当将社团罚的制度引入到成员权中来。

    This article follows the domestic some scholars point , think it is necessary to punish " the system " community member right into .

  17. 而村落成员权则是村落传统的发明,呈现了公、私相对化的实践逻辑。

    Village members ' rights , a creation of village traditions , express the practical logic to posit the public relative to the private .

  18. 业主资格实务中的认定相当复杂,业主成员权的行使也存在较多特性。

    The identification of owners eligible to practice is quite complex , the owners member of the exercise of the right there are more features .

  19. 侵害业主成员权的行为,属于一般侵权行为,但在权利救济上具有独立性与特殊性。

    The behavior of the members ' rights against the owners , general tort , but the independence and particularity in the right to relief .

  20. 但改革开放以来,随着社会流动性的增强,村庄成员权问题再次突显。

    Along with the enhancement of social mobility , the problem of village members ' rights highlights once more since the reform and opening up .

  21. 当前农村地权冲突的部分原因在于农民集体成员权制度缺乏科学的法理基础。

    At present , one of the reasons for rural land ownership conflict is the lack of science legal basis in farmers collective member rights .

  22. 其次论述了业主成员权行使的法律关系,对成员权的主体、客体和内容作了详尽讨论。

    Secondly , this article discussed with detail the legal Relationship of execution of membership rights from its main body , its object and its contents .

  23. 首先讨论了物业管理中的业主成员权的基本理论问题,从建筑物区分所有权和业主成员权的概念、法律特征及其内容进行分析。

    Firstly , the basic theoretical problems of the membership right of condominiums in estate management are discussed from the concepts , the legal characteristics and contents .

  24. 总的来说,专有权、共有权和成员权一起构成了我国建筑物区分所有权制度的理论体系,是建筑物区分所有权制度的三大基本要素。

    Overall , the exclusive right of the right and the right together with members of condominium ownership constitutes a system of theoretical system Ownership of the three basic elements .

  25. 建筑物区分所有权中的成员权是建筑物区分所有权的组成部分,与建筑物区分所有权中的专有权、持分权相比,有自己的内容与特点。

    Compared with the exclusive right and the share holding right in the condominium , the membership right , another part in it , has its own contents and characteristics .

  26. 从中可以看出,村庄成员权界定的困境以及由此引发的矛盾与冲突,极大地冲击了延续性的村庄共同体。

    It can be seen , the contradictions and conflicts that are aroused by the plight of defining village members ' rights have greatly impacted on the continuity of the village community .

  27. 为有效调整各区分所有权人之间的关系,协调他们之间的和谐关系,使区分所有建筑物管理顺利进行,并维护全体业主的合法权益,业主成员权成为理论界和实践中迫切需要解决的问题。

    To adjust social relationships among the unit owners , and maintain public legal benefits , membership rights of condominiums ownerships have an urgent problem to be solved in theoretical circle and practice .

  28. 为了维护建筑物各部分的应有机能,解决彼此之间的纠纷,进而维护共同生活秩序及共同利益,需要处理共同事务。即形成成员权。

    For defending a building every due part , resolve the contradiction between each other , defend collective life order and common benefit , then need the right handling common affair , membership formed .

  29. 农村集体经济组织成员权,是一种特殊的成员权,它既有国家社会保障的性质,也有公民私权利的性质。

    The member right of the Rural Collective Economic Organization is a kind of member right . It both has the property of the social security , and that of citizens ' private right .

  30. 管理权已融入所有权之中,不存在独立的、为管理而生的、非财产性的成员权,相邻权不是所有权的一种权利形式。

    Management right has merged into a part of property right , and therefore , there 's no independent , non-property membership right for management ; neighboring right is not a form of property right .