
  • 网络layout;Facility Layout
  1. 一种基于AHP的多目标设施布置算法及其应用

    An AHP based multi criteria algorithm for facility layout and its application

  2. 基于生产物流的SSLP在机械加工车间设施布置中的应用研究

    Application of Production Logistics-based SSLP in the Facility Layout of Mechanical Processing Workshop

  3. 基于GA与VB求解设施布置问题的研究

    Research on the establishment and layout based on GA and VB

  4. 在进行设施布置优化的过程中,本文将初始布置的编码的交叉和变异编写一套合适的算法,并把该算法程序化,利用Matlab软件得到了制造企业的优化设施布置。

    In the process of improving facilities layout , making up an appropriate set of genetic algorithms of the crossover and mutation of original encoding , genetic algorithms has procedured , use software of Matlab to find the best facilities layout .

  5. 设施布置设计的好坏直接关系到物流中心以后的经营运作。

    Facilities planning and design is very important to logistics center .

  6. 基于流线分析的客运枢纽设施布置改进方法

    Improved Facility Layout Planning for Passenger Terminal Based on Streamline Analysis

  7. 生产方式的转变对设施布置提出新的要求。

    New production method asks for new demand in facilities layout .

  8. 废旧冰箱回收工厂设施布置设计的研究

    Research on Layout Design of Recycling Factories Facility of Waste Refrigerators

  9. 物流中心设施布置设计的方法探讨

    Study on the Method about Facilities Planning and Design of Logistics Center

  10. 用蚁群算法解决动态设施布置问题

    Using Ant Colony Algorithm to Solve the Problem of Dynamic Facilities Layout

  11. 离散生产系统车间设施布置优化

    Optimization of Facility Layout of Workshop for Discrete Production Systems

  12. 设施布置是工业工程领域的一个重要分支。

    Facility layout is an important branch of industrial engineering .

  13. 论述了研究设施布置的必要性。

    The necessity of studying on facilities layout is discussed .

  14. 设施布置对生产物流的影响及应用方案评价

    Influence of layout planning on production flow system and evaluation of application schemes

  15. 基于遗传算法和非线性目标划模型的设施布置研究

    The Study of Facility Layout Based on Genetic Algorithms and Non-linear Goal Programming

  16. 基于拉式系统的物流中心设施布置与优化

    The Facility Layout and Optimization of Logistics Center Based on the Pull System

  17. 基于0-1整数规划的企业生产物流设施布置优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Allocation of Production Logistics Facilities Based on 0-1 Integer Programming

  18. 而生产物流系统发挥作用的大小很大程度上取决于设施布置。

    The function of the production logistics system depends largely on the facilities layout .

  19. 百色水利枢纽大坝观测设施布置和新技术的尝试

    Layout and new technology application of Main dam monitoring system for Baise Multipurpose dam project

  20. 计算机辅助设施布置系统

    System of Computer Aided Facilities Layout Planning

  21. 系统地分析了施工场地设施布置决策理论方法和优化程序;

    Meanwhile a method of decision-making and optimizing program of construction site facilities allocation is systemically analyzed .

  22. 设施布置理论的应用

    Application of Facility Layout Theory

  23. 设施布置包括新系统的设计和旧系统优化改进。

    Facilities layout includes the design of new production system and the optimization of the old system .

  24. 利用设施布置的原则和目标和不同布置的适用范围等因素的考虑,对现有布局改变。

    Considering equipment layout role and the adoption range for different layout , to reorganize equipment layout .

  25. 在此背景下,研究化工企业设施布置设计及优化在理论和现实都有重要的意义。

    In this background , it has the important significance to research the facility layout plan and optimization .

  26. 实践证明,华液公司改进后的设施布置的总的物流强度值比初始设施布置减少了很多。

    Practice has proved that the total logistics intension of after improving facilities layout has been greatly reduced .

  27. 实证分析表明了遗传算法在制造业设施布置优化中的可行性和有效性。

    Empirical analysis showed that the genetic algorithm in the optimization of manufacturing facility layout was feasible and effective .

  28. 设施布置问题涉及多方面的因素,这些因素会相互冲突。

    In fact , it is well known the layout problem involves several aspects that lead to conflicting objectives .

  29. 然后根据车间设施布置的特点选择遗传算法作为优化求解算法,遗传算法作为一种仿生算法和启发式优化算法,已经广泛应用于各种布局问题的研究中。

    As one of bionic and heuristic algorithm , genetic algorithm is widely used in all kinds of layout problems .

  30. 设施布置是否恰当决定了整个生产系统的成本与效率。

    The cost and the efficiency of the entire production system depend on whether the layout is proper or not .