
  • 网络Design strategy
  1. 加州艺术学院(CaliforniaCollegeoftheArts)于2008年第一次推出设计战略方向的工商管理硕士项目时,申请者只有92人。

    California College of the Arts saw 92 applications for the M.B.A. in Design Strategy in its first year , 2008 .

  2. 企业品牌DI设计战略研究

    Study of Enterprise Brand DI Design Strategy

  3. 小城镇形象设计战略的探索与研究

    The Exploration and Research of Image Plan Strategy of Small Towns

  4. 论汽车外形设计战略客车造型与风窗设计

    Strategy of Car Styling Design Bus Styling and Windshield Design

  5. 未来中国家具工业的设计战略和产品策略

    The Design Strategy and Products Tactics of China 's Furniture Industry in Future

  6. 它是综合考虑了生态、社会、经济的一种协调设计战略,首先从区域层次研究保护区网络的优化设计;

    Firstly , a network of nature reserves is designed at regional level ;

  7. 如何选择设计战略及方法

    How to select the design strategy and methods

  8. 论市场竞争中的工业设计战略

    Strategy of the industrial design in market competition

  9. 一种以信息流为基础的系统设计战略

    An Information Stream Based System Design Strategy

  10. 它是一种集社会、经济、环境、生态于一体的协调设计战略。

    It is a coordinative design strategy integrating social , economic , environmental and ecological aspects .

  11. 寻找创新的DNA&对当前本土企业设计战略的趋势研究

    Finding the DNA of Innovation : The Study of Design Strategies for Present Enterprises in China

  12. 设计战略与企业经营

    Design Strategy & Business Management

  13. 长株潭城市群建设目标下的工业设计战略研究

    The Goals of Changsha , Zhuzhou and Xiangtan City Group the Industrial Design under the Strategic Research

  14. 论汽车外形设计战略

    Strategy of Car Styling Design

  15. 论感性消费及设计战略

    Emotion Consumption and Design Strategy

  16. 童装的设计战略和色彩战略是一致的,仿佛一个硬币的两个面,但也不能混同。

    The strategy of colour and design has to be consist , both important but can not mix .

  17. 在这种情况下,品牌战略与设计战略成为企业界着重研究的课题。

    In this case , the brand strategy and design strategy to focus on research topics of the business community .

  18. 本文从战略角度分析了企业如何基于企业价值设计战略,如何实施战略平衡各利益相关主体的价值来实现企业价值最大。

    This paper analyses firms how design strategy based on firm value , how to implement strategy to realize firm value .

  19. 为企业量身定制极具商业导向的培训课程,涵盖设计战略、战术和技巧,协助您的团队迎接管理挑战,提升工作业绩。

    The business-oriented training programs have been designed to share strategies , tactics , and skills to improve performance and address management challenges .

  20. 强调可持续发展的环境景观设计战略,并提出了寻求可持续发展的环境景观设计的途径。

    Lastly , a sustainable developing strategy for environment-friendly design is stressed and the paper proposes some ways for implementation of the strategy .

  21. 我们的目标是通过大众全球设计战略与中国消费者特殊需求的完美结合来设计下一代的A级轿车

    To design the next generation of " A-Segment " limousine bringing together a global German marque with the particular needs of the Chinese customer

  22. 克里斯蒂娜·希尔(以下简称“希”):对于生物多样性来说,最重要的规划和设计战略是首先通过两种方式保护目前所保存的土地资源。

    Kristina Hill : The most important planning and design strategies for biodiversity involve first protecting the land that has been conserved to date in two ways .

  23. 通过对电信行业价值链和移动互联网宏观环境的研究,为上海电信提出了服务显性化的服务设计战略。

    Through the study of the value chain of telecommunications industry and the macro environment of mobile Internet , a service dominance design strategy was proposed for Shanghai Telecom .

  24. 在为茂名电信设计战略的基础上,主要运用了成本领先战略、差异化战略和专一化战略等管理理论知识。

    As for the design of competitive strategies for Maoming Telecom , management theories , like cost leadership strategy , differentiation strategy and focus strategy , are used in this thesis .

  25. 本文提出的服装绿色设计战略,系统的、综合的提出了在服装绿色设计过程中所要考虑的问题,提出了提高服装全生命周期绿色性,提高其国际竞争力的方法和措施。

    The strategy of green garment design proposes systematically and synthetically what to be considered in green garment design and measures that promotes the green attributes and international competition capability of garment .

  26. 它是企业正确制定产品设计战略的基础,是企业进行产品设计的依据和源头。

    Consumers ′ requirements are the foundation for enterprises to work out the strategy of product design properly and are the basis and fountainhead for enterprises to carry out their product design .

  27. 设计战略成本管理系统时,首先要对企业所面临的内外部环境进行分析,然后在此基础上进行战略定位、制定成本战略措施。

    While designing the Strategic Cost Management System , firstly we should analyse the inside and outside environment that enterprises face , and then carry on strategic localization 、 formulate strategic cost measure on the base of above .

  28. 最终,作者提出需要运用整合的观念将产品形象置于设计战略的控制之下,从而建立一套具有可行价值的产品形象设计体系。

    Finally , the author proposes that the idea of incorporation should be employed to put product image under the control of design strategy , so that a product image design system that has the feasible value will be set up .

  29. 本文着重探讨的是设计战略管理中包含的设计创新要素,并不涉及设计管理的功能性要素,包括设计事务管理、设计进度管理、财务管理、设计人员管理、设计项目管理等。

    This text is focused on the strategic design management - management of the innovative elements , and does not involve the functional management , design affaire management , design progress management , financial management , personnel management , design project management .

  30. 青少年在心理、生理上的特征以及延伸的消费心理的特征不但影响着他们选择产品,使用的方式,也影响着设计师的设计战略,最后必然会导致产品形式上的不同。

    The psychological and physiological characteristics of the youth , as well as their extensive consumption psychological characteristics , influence not only their choice on the products and the way to use , but also the design strategies , thereby ultimately and inevitably this will make products different in form .