
  • 网络cost management system
  1. 本人有幸在C公司工作多年,参与了该公司成本管理体系建立,实施的过程。

    The author has worked in C company for many years and taken part in the process of establishment and implementation of cost management system .

  2. 然后介绍了如何通过ERP系统结合企业自身特点进行成本管理体系规划,以及如何利用ERP系统进行事前规划、事中控制、事后分析的管理过程。

    Secondly , how to combine the features of enterprise with ERP system for cost management system planning , and how to make use of the ERP system to conduct prior planning , in-process control and post analysis management are introduced .

  3. 给出定单式生产企业目标成本管理体系,指出TCM的应用基础是ERP,它是ERP的进一步深化和扩展。

    Gives out the frame of TCM ( Target Cost Management ) in MTO ( Make to Order ) manufacture , and points out that TCM is the expansion of ERP on which it 's application is based .

  4. 本文在分析软件项目管理和软件开发流程的基础上,运用经典的PMBOK,通过建立软件外包企业的项目成本管理体系,解决上述问题。

    This thesis solves these problems , based on the analysis of software project management and software development process , using the classic PMBOK , and establishing the project cost management system .

  5. 论文从供应链物流成本管理体系的构建、先进物流成本管理理念的引入、先进物流成本管理方法的运用三个方面对HL公司物流成本管理的优化提出了具体的实施建议。

    At last , this paper gives specific suggestions of the optimization of logistics cost control for HL company in the formation of supply chain logistics cost control system , the introduction of advanced logistics cost control concept and advanced logistics cost control method .

  6. 基于精益会计企业成本管理体系研究。

    Research on enterprise cost management system based on lean accounting .

  7. 基于价值链的电视产品成本管理体系的构建

    The Build-up of a Value-chain-based Cost Management Mechanism for TV Productions

  8. 建筑施工项目成本管理体系及效应

    The cost management system of construction project and its effectiveness

  9. 建立成本管理体系的思路与模式

    On the Establishment of Cost Management System and its Modes

  10. 基于价值链的工程项目成本管理体系提升

    Project Cost Management System Enhancing Based on the Value Chain

  11. 基于作业的选煤厂订单成本管理体系研究

    Study on the Order-Cost Management System of Coal Preparation Plant Based on Activity

  12. 由此构建了一套火力发电企业环境成本管理体系。

    Thus the environmental cost management system is constructed for thermal power plant .

  13. 面向新制造环境下的成本管理体系

    The Cost Management System in the New Manufacturing Environment

  14. 浅谈企业目标成本管理体系的建立

    Discussion on establishment of object management system in enterprise

  15. 全面质量管理对现行成本管理体系的挑战

    A Challenge of Overall Quality Control to the System of Current Cost Control

  16. 构建我国饭店战略成本管理体系研究

    The Study on the Establishment of China 's Hotel Strategy Cost Management System

  17. 基于作业的煤炭企业成本管理体系研究

    Study on Activity-Based Cost Management System of Coal Enterprise

  18. 核电站建筑施工项目成本管理体系的创建

    Establishing Cost Management System for Nuclear Power Construction Project

  19. 基于过程的思想,综合考察产品的实现过程,提出了“基于作业的质量活动链”的概念,并在此基础上建立了作业质量成本管理体系。

    The quality cost system can be set up based on quality activity chain .

  20. 米尔斯,对作业成本管理体系进行了设计,并用作业成本法建立了成本控制模型;

    Designed the system of ABC , and set up the cost control model ;

  21. 工程项目全面成本管理体系理论初探

    Discussion on Comprehensive Construction Cost Control System Theory

  22. 首先,目前大部分企业不存在成型的营销成本管理体系,即便存在,也是局限于营销作业层面的成本管理;

    Firstly , there is no systemic marketing cost management system in most companies ;

  23. 施工企业项目目标成本管理体系分析

    Construction Enterprise Project Management System Target Cost Analysis

  24. 建立内部成本管理体系;

    To build regulatory regime of cost ;

  25. 因此,标准作业成本管理体系在国内企业开始扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    So activity based standard costing began to play an important role in our domestic companies .

  26. 试论现行医院成本管理体系局限性及其改进

    An trial discussion on the limitation of the current hospital cost management system and its improvement

  27. 企业如何加强目标成本管理体系中设计成本管理

    Reinforce the Design Cost Management

  28. 在说明了指导思想问题后,本文第三部分阐述了施工项目成本管理体系的内容。

    The third part of the article elaborated the content of the cost management system of construction project .

  29. 结论:迫切需要建立适合我国国情的护理成本管理体系。

    We need urgently to establish a managing system which should adapt to the situation of our country .

  30. 最后,本文用这个战略成本管理体系对高新技术企业进行了具体的分析研究。

    At last , this thesis applies the strategic cost management system to study and analyze the hi-tech companies .