
  • 网络cost reduction;Cost saving
  1. 其它成本节省大部分来自有利的汇率变动和英国石油本身能源支出的降低。

    Much of the other cost saving came from favourable exchange rate movements and lower energy bills for BP itself .

  2. 云计算的潜在成本节省可能对医疗提供商是一种巨大的诱惑,使他们能够转向一种更加高效且开放的数据基础架构。

    The potential cost saving of cloud computing could be catalytic for healthcare providers , enabling them to move toward a more efficient and open data infrastructure .

  3. 存储即服务(StorageasaService),使您可以租用空间,提供人员、硬件和物理存储空间的成本节省。

    Storage as a Service allows you to rent space , providing cost savings in personnel , hardware , and physical storage space .

  4. AWS的“SpotandScience”页面还包括案例研究、用例展示、成本节省分析、辅导和架构指南。

    The AWS " Spot and Science " page includes case studies , sample use cases , cost savings analysis , tutorials and architectural guidance .

  5. CMA平台是在小型车领域寻找成本节省空间、创造合意的利润率的一次尝试。

    The platform is an attempt to find cost savings and make acceptable margins on small cars .

  6. 为了帮助您了解DAOS的好处,DAOSEstimator工具可以查看域中所有服务器的成本节省。

    To help show how DAOS can benefit you before you enable it , a DAOS Estimator tool can outline overall savings across all servers in the domain .

  7. 市场研究机构GartnerInc.预计到2020年连网设备数量不到300亿,但预计产品和服务提供商营收将增加3090亿美元,同时因成本节省、生产率提高和其他因素给经济造成的影响总计达1.9万亿美元。

    Gartner Inc. puts the number of connected devices at fewer than 30 billion , but sees $ 309 billion in additional revenue for product and service suppliers by 2020 and $ 1.9 trillion in total economic impact from cost savings , improved productivity and other factors .

  8. 气动夹管阀为流量控制难题提供一个成本节省的解决方案。

    Air Actuated Pinch Valves offer a cost-effective solution to flow control problems .

  9. 但由规模带来的成本节省也可能消失殆尽。

    But it is possible to exhaust the savings that come with size .

  10. 小银行优势:基于成本节省的整合研究

    The Analysis of Small Bank Advantage

  11. 不管您相信的程度有多大,静态分析工具潜在的成本节省是惊人的。

    Regardless of which percentage or cost you believe in , the potential savings with static analysis tools is staggering .

  12. 它们会根据净成本节省和投资有形收益对净前期成本和持续成本进行度量。

    They measure the net up-front and ongoing costs against the net savings and gains of tangible benefits of the investments .

  13. 他补充说,由于这些合资企业是彼此独立经营的,实现成本节省的难度很大。

    Since these were operated independently from each other , cost savings would be hard to come by , he added .

  14. 两拓也能找到其它办法,转移它们可以从预期的成本节省中获得的利益。

    There may be other ways for the companies to spread the advantages they would enjoy from the expected cost savings .

  15. 在某些类型的交易在网上完成,如银行交易,可导致成本节省高达百分之二十左右。

    Certain types of transactions completed online , such as banking transactions , can result in cost savings of up to20 percent .

  16. 可口可乐未提供预期营业收入或合并后成本节省的细节,因此投资者只能相信它的许诺。

    Coke is giving no details of expected revenue or cost synergies , so investors have to take its promises on trust .

  17. 公共云环境中提供的即用即付模型,从成本节省和可访问性角度看都很有吸引力。

    The " Pay as you go " model offered in public cloud environments are attractive from both cost savings and accessibility perspectives .

  18. 要想知道实验室中的成本节省在工业规模下是否同样可行还需要做很多工作。

    More work will need to be done to see if the cost savings found in the lab can work on an industrial scale .

  19. 她补充称,它们需要为资产管理公司或机构投资者带来不一样的好处,要么是交易成本节省,要么是运营效率。

    They would need to offer asset managers or institutional investors different benefits , either in transaction cost savings or operational efficiencies , she adds .

  20. 就算这些范例很简单,但是加在一起,它们可以提供在成本节省方面过程改进努力的具体证据。

    Even though these examples are fairly simple , together they provide concrete evidence that a process improvement effort can be quantified in terms of cost savings .

  21. 全球的软件团队的好处是重大的,包括成本节省、灵活性、重要技能和经验的获得,以及更快的交付市场。

    The benefits of a global software team can be significant , including cost savings , flexibility , access to key skills and experience , and quicker time-to-market .

  22. 与常规育苗对照相比,黑膜覆盖苗高平均高出46cm,成活率提高8%,育苗成本节省53%。

    Compared with the common seedlings cultivation , the seedling treated had 46 cm higher of height , 8 % higher of survival rate and 53 % less of cost .

  23. 由美国的州立和联邦IT组织提出的企业体系结构,估计能够使应用程序整合成本节省最多百分之四十。

    Pioneered by US-based state and federal IT organizations , enterprise architecture , by some estimates , could lead to as much as a forty percent savings in application integration costs .

  24. 结果表明:采用这种方法可使钻井成本节省25-40%以上;也是一种合理选择钻头类型,确定所需钻头数量的有效方法。

    The result indicates that : by adopting this method , it could save over 25-40 % of the drilling costs and it 's a effective method to select the type of the bit and to determine the quantity of the bits needed reasonably .

  25. 本文首次把模糊优化设计理论运用到钻井过程中,并把该理论应用到大庆油田中深井钻进过程中,通过在大庆油田中深井的应用,达到钻速提高20%,钻进成本节省18%以上。

    In this paper , fuzzy optimization design theory is first applied in deep well drilling operation of Daqing oilfield . By the application in Daqing deep well , the drilling rate has been increased over 20 % , drilling cost has been saved more than 50 % .

  26. 裸根苗造林,栽植前用植物蒸腾抑制剂蘸根处理,栽植后间隔10d叶面喷洒,连喷两次,成活率提高240%。使用TCP植物蒸腾抑制剂可降低造林成本,节省人力,财力和物力。

    Seedling , naked root , was soaked in TCP-transpiration controlling preparation solution before planting , was again sprayed twice in succession at intervals of 10 days after planting , which increased 24.0 percent of survival rate .

  27. FMC融合网络不仅仅带来了成本的节省和网络管理的简化,此外其最大的益处在于因其可以支撑多种接入方式的灵活切换而满足了客户对移动和便捷性的需求。

    FMC not only brings cost saving and simplifies network management , but also does its greatest benefit in its ability to support multiple access modes and meet the customers needs of mobile communication and convenience .

  28. 在军事演习仿真中,CosimVE是不可缺少的工具,可以大大降低成本,节省金钱、时间、资源和生命,提高安全性和保密性。

    Cosim_VE is a necessary aid for military manoeuvre simulation . It can greatly reduce costs , save moneys 、 time 、 wealth and lives , improve security and secrecy .

  29. 燃料成本的节省,当然会带来更为便宜的运费,

    Cheaper fuel costs , of course , means cheaper freight ,

  30. 算例显示,采购成本的节省明显。

    The example shows that the purchasing cost is reduced a lot .