
  • 网络cost avoidance;Cost Avoided
  1. 有一些专家声称在成本消减和成本避免方面存在差异。

    Some financial experts claim there 's a difference between cost savings and cost avoidance .

  2. 目前,三维CAD技术已广泛应用于工程设计的各个领域,它的应用大大缩短了工程设计周期,降低了设计成本,避免了设计偏差导致的大量资源浪费和工期延误。

    Now , the Tri-Dimensional CAD is extensively applied in each filed of the engineering design . Its application shortens the design cycle , cuts the design cost , and avoids wasting and postponement caused by design error .

  3. VCMM对于缩短测量周期、提高CMM工作效率、降低检测成本、避免检测误操作引起的测头损伤以及选择确定最佳的检测方案,具有非常高的实用价值。

    It is also a practical technology to shorten the cycle of inspection , improve efficiency of CMM , reduce inspection cost , avoid probe damage caused by error operation during inspection and determine optimum inspection scheme .

  4. 这种方案降低了成本,避免了瓶颈。

    This scheme reduces industry cost and avoids bottleneck phenomenon .

  5. 它们很出色,能够帮助管理员节省软件成本并避免许可协议的限制。

    They are good & they save administration in software costs and licensing schemes .

  6. 对审计职业来说,审计报告的标准化可减少审计成本和避免审计法律诉讼,还可约束恣意和为理性选择提供合理保障;

    Standardization of the audit report can reduce auditing costs and avoid auditing lawsuits to auditing profession .

  7. 欧倍德节省时间和机会成本,避免网站建设一个巨大的新的存储原来的投入。

    OBI save time and opportunity to site costs and avoid building a huge new store the original input .

  8. 分布式登录模型可有效降低系统运营成本,避免了集中登录服务器的封杀问题。

    This model has great significance in reducing the running cost and solving the force-out of concentrated login server .

  9. 在导热油的使用中如何降低成本,避免浪费,是一个值得研究的问题。

    How to reduce cost and prevent waste in using heat conducting oil is a question valuable to be discussed .

  10. 公允的关联交易可以降低交易成本,避免信息不对称,提高资产盈利能力。

    Fair connected transactions can not only reduce transaction cost , but also avoid the information asymmetry and enhance asset profitability .

  11. 经销商们为了获利不得不增加成本来避免经济损失。

    Dealers increased the price of North America wood to maintain the profit , as well as avoid the economic losses .

  12. 房地产品牌化,对于消费者而言,可以降低他们收集信息的成本,避免购买风险,形成品牌偏好。

    To the consumers the brand establishment will lower the cost of information collection , avoid the risk of purchase and form preference of brand .

  13. 该技术测取资料齐全,节约作业时间,降低作业成本,避免了井筒干扰和压井液的影响。

    This tech has feature of measuring full data , saving operation time and losing cost which avoids bore hole disturbance and killing fluid influence .

  14. 这种被动投资降低了成本,避免在试图始终如一战胜市场这件事上浪费金钱,似乎连最活跃的基金经理也认为这件事是不可能的。

    Passive investing keeps costs low , and avoids wasting money on trying to do what most active managers seem to find impossible beating the market consistently .

  15. 自觉的纳税意识能够催生政府以最廉价的方式来筹集税款,削减征管成本,避免征收资源的严重浪费。

    The initiative tax consciousness can make the government raise taxes in the most inexpensive way , cut collection costs and avoid serious waste of resources collected .

  16. 一般属于跟随型的采用防御策略的企业为了控制成本,避免过大研发投入和市场风险,尽量不对产品进行全新设计,只是让设计师在有限的设计空间里展开设计。

    In order to control the cost and avoid excessive input and market risks , the enterprises using defense strategy often improve the design of the products .

  17. 健全的项目采购管理方法可以降低项目成本,避免合同纠纷、保证按期支付并防止贪污浪费。

    Sound management of the project procurement method can reduce the project cost to avoid contract disputes , ensure the payment schedule , and prevent corruption and waste .

  18. 在模型的建立过程中用服务水平限制条件代替了缺货成本,避免了由于估算缺货成本导致的误差,从而建立了有约束条件的总成本优化模型。

    We use the service level to replace the shortage cost , which avoid the deviation caused by rough calculation , and then we build an optimal model with constraint .

  19. 自动播种和收割控制都使用全球定位系统,节省了投入的成本,避免了喷洒杀虫剂和除草剂等化学物质的重复使用。

    The automatic boom control and the planter swath control also use the global positioning system and saves inputs by avoiding overlap when spraying insecticides , herbicides and foliar chemicals .

  20. 虚拟化技术能够最大化地发挥硬件性能,为企业快速部署云计算平台,提高运营效率,节约经济成本、避免空间浪费。

    Virtualization technology can maximize the performance of the hardware and build the cloud computing platform rapidly for enterprise , then improve operational efficiency and save the economic cost to avoid wasted space .

  21. 管理层收购是解决公司内部激励机制问题,降低公司所有者与管理者之间委托代理成本,避免内部人控制发生的一种最直接的方式。

    Management buy-outs is a most direct way to solve the problem of internal incentive in companies , cuts down the principal-agent cost between company owners and managers , avoids the insiders control problem .

  22. 与此同时,赔偿增加了犯罪人的犯罪成本,避免犯罪人从犯罪行为中获取利益,在一定程度上达到了一般预防的目的。

    At the same time , the compensation for increased cost of the perpetrators of the crime to avoid the offender to obtain benefits from criminal conduct , reached a certain degree of general preventive purpose .

  23. 本文作为总课题延安市山地项目研究子项之一,就延安山地开发问题进行探讨,力求达到控制山地开发成本,避免山地无序开发的目的,使经济效益、环境效益、社会效益达到统一。

    This paper as the general topic " YanAnShi mountain project ," one of the items discuss Yanan mountain development , strive to achieve the control mountain development costs , avoid the purpose of mountainous disorder development .

  24. 从厨房生产的角度来说,厨房人员的合理配置既可以保证厨房生产的有序进行,又可以保证必须的劳动力成本,避免不必要的资金浪费。

    Viewing of the angle of kitchen production , the reasonable allocation of kitchen staff can not only guarantee the kitchen production in a systematic fashion , but also assure essential cost of labor force , thus avoiding unnecessary fund waste .

  25. 同时,通过改进农杆菌清洗方法,使在筛选培养的过程中排除了农杆菌的污染,与以往的农杆菌介导转化方法相比,大大减少了工作量,节约了成本,避免了愈伤材料的浪费。

    Through optimizing the parameters of embryo callus cleaning , agrobacterium pollution ratio was reduced in the process of screening culture which greatly saved time , cost and avoided the waste of callus materials compared with the previous agrobacterium mediated method .

  26. 它能即时发现机器设备故障并进行有效的处理,提高机器设备的工作效率;能降低维修成本,避免过度维修造成的不经济、不合理现象。

    It can discover and deal with the fault of equipment immediately ; it can also improve the work-efficiency of machine , and reduce the cost of maintenance in order to avoid the phenomenon of diseconomy and irrationality caused by " excess servicing " .

  27. 结论在乳腺癌患者护理中应用护理路径可缩短平均住院日、降低医疗成本、避免医疗资源的浪费,使患者获得最佳的医疗护理服务。

    Conclusion Using the clinical nursing passway in nursing care for patients with breast cancer could be effective in decreasing average days of staying in hospital , decreasing the medical costs , avoiding waste of the medical resource , and making patients get the best access to medical services .

  28. 收入保障是一个跨部门、关注于通过用最低的成本来达到避免收入流失,达到利润最大化的努力。

    Revenue Assurance is a effort that avoid revenue lost and attain max profit through attention the lowest cost passed through department .

  29. 采用这种新型的栅极结构,不仅极大地降低了总体器件成本,同时避免了碳纳米管薄膜阴极的损伤,提高了器件的制作成功率。

    The rate of successfully fabricating device was improved with the new gate structure , which decreased the device cost and avoided the damage of carbon nanotube cathode .

  30. 银行应从公平原则出发,通过改善现有条件和设置新的业务模式来降低风险和成本,以避免亏损。

    The banks should keep the fair principles in mind to reduce the risks and costs through improving current conditions and establishing the new business modes in order to avoid loss .