
chénɡ shú ɡè tǐ
  • mature adult
  1. 近年发现神经干细胞(NeuralStemCells,NSC)主要存在于胚胎和成熟个体的中枢神经系统(CNS)中,具有增殖和分化的潜能。

    Neural stem cells ( NSC ) with potential capability of development and differentiation , was mainly existed in embryonic and adult central neural system ( CNS ) .

  2. 鲤鱼sGnRH基因克隆及其在成熟个体的表达分析

    Cloning and Expression Analysis in Mature Individuals of Salmon Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone ( sGnRH ) Gene in Common Carp

  3. 在胚胎发育和成熟个体中,BMP参与调控多种类型的细胞和组织的增殖、凋亡、分化,以及参与趋化、血管生成、基质产生等过程。

    The proper function of the receptor is essential for BMP signaling , which is involved in a number of different cellular processes such as cell proliferation , apoptosis , differentiation , chemotaxis , angiogenesis and matrix production during embryogenic development as well as in adult life .

  4. 结果表明:性成熟个体为雌雄两性功能同体存在的同步性雌雄同体。

    The observation on the sexual maturity individuals showed that the normal ones were synchronous hermaphroditism and no dioecism .

  5. 宁德种群最小繁殖雌体及性成熟个体大小均显著小于杭州种群。

    Snout-vent lengths of the minimum reproductive female and adult skinks in Ningde population were smaller than that in Hangzhou population .

  6. 随着年龄的增长成熟个体的机体功能逐渐衰减,这被认为是老龄化的过程。

    The individual adult shows a gradual decline in functional ability with the advancing age , which is referred to as aging process .

  7. 对试验群体的性腺的类型进行的初步统计表明,雌雄同体个体比例A类型为4.6%,B类型为3.4%,其中雌雄生殖细胞均接近成熟的个体分别约为1.8%和2.1%。

    The primary statistic results showed that the percentage of type A individual was 4.6 % and type B was 3.4 % in the specimen group , in which percentage of specimens reaching the bisexual maturation were 1.8 % and 2.4 % respectively .

  8. 你已成为一个成熟的个体,你所做之事也只会让自己和身边人受益。

    You have matured as an individual , and your actions have only been beneficial to yourself and those around you .

  9. 性成熟的个体一生可产4-5个卵囊,而每个卵囊中的怀卵量可达几十个到几百个。

    Mature individuals may spawn 4-5 oocysts during the whole life and the amount of eggs of each oocyst vary from dozens to hundreds .

  10. 正因如此,人生的首要目的就是要走完生命的一个周期,这包括要茁壮成长,长成一个真正成熟的个体。

    Thus the immediate purpose of human life is for each individual to fulfill his life cycle . This involves proper maturing into the fully developed adult of the specie .

  11. 如果世上所有的人都是真正成熟的个体,都能对家庭、对朋友乃至对整个世界充满爱心、负起责任、多做贡献,那人类所面临的许多困难都可迎刃而解。

    If the world consisted primarily of mature persons - loving , responsible , productive , toward family , friends and the world - most of our human problems would be resolved .

  12. 职业成熟度是个体职业心理发展水平的重要评估指标。

    Career maturity is an important evaluation of individual career development level .

  13. 同时假设捕食种群中未成年个体成熟为成年个体的转化率是未成年种群密度的函数;

    It is assumed that the transition rate from immature stage to mature stage depends on the density of immature individuals .

  14. 因为:成熟优良的个体主体意识是社会公正的理念与实践发展的内在驱动力;

    Because : mature fine individual awareness is the main concept and practice of social justice inherent driving force of development ;

  15. 职业成熟度是个体在职业发展过程中的职业发展水平,在人的一生中,不同的阶段对个体有着不同的职业发展任务要求。

    Career maturity refers to the level of individuals ' professional development , and different professional development tasks are required of individuals in different stages of their lives .

  16. 在国内,从心理学的角度对个人主义/集体主义的研究也并不成熟,对个体自我构念特点的研究则更少。

    It is not mature to research individualism / collectivism from a psychological point of view at the domestic , and the individual characteristics of self-construal are even fewer .

  17. 师范生教师职业成熟度就是个体在大学生涯这个职业发展过程中,为未来教师这个职业所做出的职业准备的状态和程度,体现在职业态度和职业能力两个方面。

    Normal school students ' career maturity means the state and degree of individuals ' preparation for their future teaching career during their university years , and it is mainly showcased in professional attitude and professional capability .

  18. 随着生产力发展水平与主客观发展条件的实践成熟,大学生个体和谐发展目标终将成为客观的历史必然。

    Along with the practice mature of development level of the productive forces and the subjective and objective development conditions , the harmonious development goal of the college student individual will finally become an objective historical necessity .

  19. 信息技术的发展,特别是BLOG技术的不断成熟,为教师个体进行教学反思提供了一个新的平台。

    The development of information technology , in particular the Mature of blog technology , providing a new platform for teachers to reflect on individuals .

  20. 成熟胚是植株个体的雏形,胚胎发育是形成植株的基础。

    Embryo development is the basis for the formation of plant growth .

  21. 职业成熟度是指个体在完成与其年龄相应的职业生涯发展任务上的心理准备程度。

    Career maturity is the extent to which individual is ready for coping with career development tasks appropriate to his or her age .

  22. 职业成熟度是指个体做出现实而适宜职业选择的准备性程度,包括态度与认知两个基本维度。

    Career maturity refers to the degree of suitability and practicality of one 's preparation for searching for a job , and includes two fundamental dimensions : attitude and cognition .

  23. 综合以上结果判断,室内饲育4龄西伯利亚鲟雄性个体已接近性成熟,而雌性个体尚未达到性成熟。

    On the basis of the above results , it can be suggested that the4-year old male Siberian sturgeon in the present study is near mature while the females of the same age have not become mature yet .

  24. 入侵地棒花鱼和麦穗鱼的初次性成熟年龄与原产地相同,但初次性成熟个体大小增大;

    But the body sizes at maturity increased significantly in the invaded habitat . Additionally , the individual fecundity of A.

  25. 性腺成熟度和性别比例在不同季节和生长阶段具有明显的差异,春季性成熟个体占的比重最高达65%;

    The gonad maturity and sex ratio of population significantly change with seasons and growth stages and with a highest proportion of sex mature 65 % in spring .

  26. 职业成熟度用来代表一个人生涯发展的程度与职业选择的准备程度,职业成熟度高的个体更倾向于做出适合自己的明智的职业相关选择。

    Career maturity represents the extent of personal career development and the readiness of the career selected . The higher the maturity , the more he can make a wise career choice .