- mineralize

(1) [mineralize]
(2) 使[金属]转变为矿石
(3) 注入或补给矿物
(4) ,使其转变为矿物形态
Study on the sandstone uranium mineralize forecast information system
Metamorphic water constitutes most of ore-bearing metamorphic hydrothermal water , which tends to mineralize in metamorphic front region and before the front region .
Discussions on crucial problems in metallogenic prognosis based on GIS
The CO_ ( 2 ) - rich and Hydrocarbon-bearing Ore-forming Fluid and Their Metallogenic Role in the Lanping Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu Orefield , North-western Yunnan
Research on evolutionary laws of sr , nd , Pb isotopes of uranium metallization and volcanic rocks in South China
S , H , O and Pb isotopes show that the ore-forming fluid and ( metallogenic ) material come from magmatic hydrothermal fluids .
Analyse of Ore-forming Geological Condition and Ore-forming Prediction of Panxi Area Platinum Group Element ( PGE ) Base on GIS
The S Pb isotopic geochemical characteristics shows that source of the Hexi copper multi metal deposit came mainly from deep hypothermal fluids and secondary from the crust derived matter .
The K-Na-Ca geothermometer is an approach to work out mineralization temperatures based on calculations of the Mohr concentrations of K , Na and Ca in mineral inclusions according to existing formulas .
In recent years , more than thousand of Pb , Zn multielement assemblage anomalies and those mainly with Pb , Zn have been found in West Yunnan in regional geochemical exploration .
In the process of alternation or mineralization , the REE abundance changes in a large range with the movement and the enrichment of the microelement .
Trace element geochemistry characteristic of having high metallogenic element concentrations of copper 、 silver 、 bismuth etc. ; REE geochemistry characteristic of having low Σ REE value and high δ Eu value .
Linking with determined results on sulfur and oxyhydrogen , the mineralization fluid formed from the deep circulation of the surface water along the fracture , especially from circulation repeating in the potassium-and gold-rich tuff .
The mineralized temperature ranges between 160 ℃ and 200 ℃ and inclusion in metallogenetic fluid was in pure liquid facies , in which occurrences of liquid components and CO 2 were favorable to enrich gold .
Physical characters of various rocks ( ores ) show remarkable differences . There exists obvious concentration zoning in anomalies of such main ore-forming elements as Cu , Zn , Mo , Co and Au , Ag .
Solid organic matter remained in metalliferous ore recorded important information of ore - forming processes . ApoB remained unchanged .
The ore-forming fluids are rich in CO2 ( 18.656-35.063 mol % ) with ore-forming temperatures ranging from 135 ℃ to 297 ℃, and the stable isotopic composition of the rocks and ores indicates a deep origin of ore-forming fluids .
Those areas covered by fracture structure frequency isopleth clusters represent the intense tectonic active areas and the ore-forming solution active places , where geochemical gradiants ( pH , Eh ) change in a wide range that is favourable for uranium metallization .
The Babaoshan gold-silver deposit in Cathaysian oldland is 140 ± 5Ma old originated from volcanic hydrothermal ore-formation .
Geological Characteristics of Cu-Mo-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au Metallogenic Systems and Their Exploration Significance
Through an analysis of the structural characteristics and mechanism of deformation , this paper deal with the structural ore-controlling process and suggests that the deposit location is controlled by NNE-approximate SN trending regional faults as well as the deposit distributes by approximate SN extending .
It is concluded that oil field brines can be effective carriers of metal elements and can effectively enhance the leaching , dissolving and transporting effects of gold , silver , lead and zinc in an oil - and gas-bearing basin and can attend actively ore deposition of sedimentary-reworked deposits .
There are plenty of Au Sb resources in Xupu County , Hunan Province where there are three Au bearing or Au ( Sb ) bearing mineralizing belt s stretching in NE direction , belonging to a part of Xuefeng mountain Au Sb W mineralizing belt .
U-Ra equilibrium coefficients of rocks indicate that there is obvious U-Ra disequilibrium phenomenon in volcanic rocks , and the time when granites provided uranium source occurred 16000 a ago .
δ 34 S value in the gold ore belt changes not too wide , only 0 % ~ 10 % , which implies the sulfur was derived from a depth source .
These results indicate that the mineralization fluids were associated with magmatic hydrothermal events and evolved toward lower temperatures and lower content of K-2O , but the hydrothermal fluids of higher K-2O and the temperatures of 260 ~ 380 ℃ may favor gold mineralization .
Role of humic acids in the formation of sandstone-type uranium deposits
Some thoughts on relationships between metamorphic anatexis and petrogenesis - mineralization
Discussion on gold origin and rich mechanism of ore-forming fluid movement
Mineralogical and petrological characteristics of Xiuyan nephrite and its minerogenetic model