
  1. 我何必损失了这个去救那个呢?

    And must I lose the one to save the other ?

  2. 好吧!我何必要跟别人去说话呢?

    I don 't want anybody else to talk to me .

  3. “我何必要拦阻一个伙伴的好事呢?”

    " Why should I stand in a comrade 's way ?"

  4. 从你所在地我何必匆匆跑走?

    From where thou art why should I haste me thence ?

  5. 我何必那样去想呢?

    What is there in all that for me to think about ?

  6. 况且我何必限制自己,孤立自己呢?

    And why should I restrict myself , segregate myself ?

  7. 想想,我何必要在乎别人怎么议论我呢?

    Think , why should I care what anyone says about me .

  8. 但我何必为商人、工程师们操心?

    But then why should I worry about businessmen , scientists and engineers ?

  9. 但我何必要追溯往事呢?

    But why do I talk of former times ?

  10. 我何必非把它带去不可呢?

    Why should I bring it down ?

  11. 我何必在你同伴的羊群旁边,好像蒙着脸的人呢?

    Why should I be like a veiled woman beside the flocks of your friends ?

  12. 我何必说我父亲的时代呢,那不也是你的时代么?

    Why need I speak of my father 's time , when it is equally yours ?

  13. 孩子死了,我何必禁食,我岂能使他返回呢。

    But now he is dead , wherefore should I fast ? can I bring him back again ?

  14. 教授我何必要为这事说谎呢这份工作就是我的一切你觉得我想失去它吗

    Why would I lie about this , Gillian ? This job is everything to me.You think I want to lose it ?

  15. 我何必要拦阻一个伙伴的好事呢?有你这样一位伙伴是我三生有幸之事。

    " Why should I stand in a comrade 's way ?" It 's one of the nice things in life that happened to me to have you as a colleague .

  16. 孩子死了,我何必禁食,我岂能使他返回呢。我必往他那里去,他却不能回我这里来。

    But now he is dead , wherefore should I fast ? Can I bring him back again ? I shall go to him , but he shall not return to me .

  17. 我又何必在意他想什么

    why should I care what he thought about anything ?

  18. 你根本不信任我们那我又何必操心呢

    that you don 't trust us , so why should I even bother ?

  19. 没有人忠于自己的祖国,我又何必如此?

    No one else has loyalty for their homeland , so why should I ?

  20. 我觉得我何必破坏他的好事。

    I don 't see why I should spoil his sport .

  21. 如果他已经无心于我,又何必有话不说?

    If he fears me , why come hither ?

  22. 如果是我的,何必留在这?

    If they 're mine , why 'd you get to keep them ?

  23. 但是凯瑟琳并不在里面等着我去拯救何必再费心机

    Granted , Katherine wasn 't in there to be rescued , But why dwell ?

  24. 有时候我会想,何必要这样呢?

    Sometimes I will think , what is the whole point ?

  25. 我不懂他何必收养你。

    I mean , I don 't understand why he had to adopt you .

  26. 即使她比斑鸠温柔,即使她比塘鹅慈祥,如果她对我并非如此,我又何必管她有多善良?

    Be she meeker , kinder than Turtle-dove or pelican , If she be not so to me What care I how kind she be ?

  27. 即使她美德清纯,即使她值得最高的赞扬,如果她对我不以礼相待,我又何必管她有多辉煌?

    Be she with that goodness blest Which may merit name of best , If she be not such to me , What care I how good she be ?

  28. 即使她娇媚胜过五月鲜花盛开的草原,即使她灿烂有如阳光,如果她对我并无情意,我又何必管她有多漂亮?

    Be she fairer than the day Or the flowery meads in May , If she thinks not well of me What care I how fair she be ?

  29. 在患难的日子,奸恶随我脚跟,四面环绕我,我何必惧怕。

    Wherefore should I fear in the days of evil , when the iniquity of my heels shall compass me about ?

  30. 我必被你定为有罪,我何必徒然劳苦呢。

    If I be wicked , why then labour I in vain ?