
  1. 像相当数量的开发商,我有我自己创作的所有ASP。

    Like a good number of developers , I have authored all my own ASP .

  2. 我有我自己干的道理。

    I have my reasons for doing it on my own .

  3. 上一次我有我自己的隐私是很久以前了。

    The last time I had privacy I was in utero .

  4. 嗯,我有我自己的小九九盘算。

    Well , I have my own career to think about .

  5. 我有我自己的想法。别打扰我。

    Me have I own idea , don 't trouble I.

  6. 我有我自己的原因。也许你有。

    I 've got my reasons . Maybe you do .

  7. 现在我有我自己的房间。它小而美好。

    I have my own room now . it 's small and nice .

  8. 我有我自己的做人原则。

    I have me the do-it-yourself person 's principle .

  9. 我有我自己的贮存设备一个相当大的家伙。

    I do have my own storage facility . A rather large one .

  10. 我有我自己的房间,但是我们共用厨房和卫生间。

    I have my own room , but we share the kitchen and bathroom .

  11. 我有我自己的房子和汽车。

    I have my own house and car .

  12. 我有我自己的电话线。

    I 've got my own phone iine .

  13. 现在,我有我自己的博客了,希望大家能多多帮助我。

    Now , I have my own blog , Hope that we can conduct more help me .

  14. 我有我自己的公司,所以我的性格有领导气质。

    I run my own company , so my character is that of a leader of men .

  15. 我有我自己的观点,但它不同于其他的人,包括你自己。

    I have my own viewpoint , but it will differ from other people , including your own .

  16. 我有我自己的孩子,我想我能把他们同另一个人的孩子区别开来。

    I have had children of my own . I suppose I know them from another woman 's children .

  17. 因为我有我自己的目标,我没有时间和精力去思考压力。

    Because of my focus on my own goal , I have no time and energy to think about the pressure .

  18. 我有我自己的主意,不过你放心,在我没有抓到他的致命把柄一以前,我不会轻举妄动的。

    I have my own ideas , but you may rest assured that I have not caught him in a previous fatal openings . I will not hastily .

  19. 我有我自己亲近大众的方式。我一开始为一家小店设计服装,总是有人来买的。

    I 've always had my own access to the public , because I started off making my clothes for a little shop and so I 've always had people buying them .

  20. 我要有我自己的办公室,就在你的旁边。

    I want my name on the door , right next to yours .

  21. 但是我想要有我自己的地方。

    But I want a place of my own .

  22. 现在我也有我自己的家庭。

    I got a family of my own now .

  23. 我希望有我自己的家庭,一所漂亮的房子,几条狗,还有几个小孩。

    I want to have my own family , a beautiful house and a few dogs and kids .

  24. 这样的生活其实也蛮单调的,但我,有我自己逃避单调的生活的办法。

    Such life is also actually monotonous , but I , have me to evade the monotonous life the means .

  25. 我会有很多我自己的东西。

    I 'm gonna have a lot of my own stuff .

  26. 我难得有属于我自己的几分钟。

    I scarcely have a few minutes I can call my own .

  27. 我终于有了我自己的博客,欢迎光临我的博客!

    I finally had my blog , welcome to enjoy my blog !

  28. 我的论点有我自己的经验作为根据。

    My argument was grounded on my own experience .

  29. 我确实要有我自己的生活。

    I really need my own life .

  30. 你不该监视我,我有我自己的权利。

    Example : You should not look over my shoulder , I have my own right .