
  • 网络The Finale;The Final;February
  1. 如果你有话要说,那就要让他们最终将这些话牢记于心。

    If you 've got something to say it 's got to be lodged in their brains at the end

  2. 如果美联储(Fed)最终加息的话,美元债务也可能很快变得更为昂贵。

    Dollar debt may also soon become more expensive if the US Federal Reserve finally raises rates .

  3. LG尚未宣布这款产品的售价,但是可以想像,如果最终上市的话,昂贵的价格肯定会让人们更多地在大厦公馆而不是百思买(BestBuy)的卖场看到它。

    LG isn 't yet talking about how much it would sell such a display for -- if it ever brings the set to market -- it 'll cost enough to be found in more mansions than Best Buy showrooms .

  4. 如果我的“卡桑德拉式预言”最终错误的话,刺激力度可以减小。

    If my Cassandra forecast turns out to be wrong , stimulus can be cut .

  5. 最终一句话:想在金融行业获得成功意味着要作出许多方面的牺牲。

    The bottom line : One has to make sacrifices for a successful career in the business .

  6. 如果我过去清楚地表达了我的最终抱负的话,那么肯定有人会告诉我孜孜以求的是什么。

    Had I been articulate about my ultimate aspirations , no doubt someone would have told me what I was bargaining for .

  7. 然而事实上奥巴马正依赖富人支付他的账单,如果那些富人的财富最终缩水的话,可能会进一步危及他的收益预计。

    This could further imperil Mr Obama 's revenue projections , if the rich people he is relying on to pay virtually all his bills end up a lot less rich than they were .

  8. jcpenney公司如能最终扭转局面的话,也可能会经历很长时间。

    The JC Penney turnround , if it comes at all , is likely to take a long time , too .

  9. 如果最终被定罪的话,她们二人每人都将面临高达10年的监禁。

    Each woman faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted .

  10. 但这家办公用品集团——如果此次最终合并成功的话,将拥有逾4000家分店——还经营着一个大型电商网站,与企业及政府客户签有大笔合同(可能成为联邦贸易委员会关注的焦点)。

    But the office supply group , which would have more than 4000 outlets if this final consolidation goes ahead , also operates a vast ecommerce site and has large contracts with corporate and government clients ( the likely focus of any FTC attention ) .

  11. 但这家办公用品集团如果此次最终合并成功的话,将拥有逾4000家分店还经营着一个大型电商网站,与企业及政府客户签有大笔合同(可能成为联邦贸易委员会关注的焦点)。

    But the office supply group , which would have more than 4,000 outlets if this final consolidation goes ahead , also operates a vast ecommerce site and has large contracts with corporate and government clients ( the likely focus of any FTC attention ) .

  12. 今年该公司使用粗体字和下划线强调,这一奖酬方案意在“用很多年来实现,如果最终能实现的话。此外,很多必要的里程碑当时都被视为很难实现”。

    This year it resorted to bold letters and underlining to stress that the award had been intended to " take many years , if at all , to be achieved . Further , many of the requisite milestones were viewed as very difficult to achieve . "